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The Guardian's views on the show are . . .not to be trusted. The Shrike Send a noteboard - 23/11/2021 09:50:01 PM

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Quoting from the article:

"Many moons ago (well, 2017), Jeff Bezos had a prophesy that Amazon Studios would produce shows to outperform Game of Thrones, and so there’s a lot banking on The Wheel of Time – $10m an episode, in fact. But this creation is far more YA in tone than its HBO rival. The cast is largely young and clean-cut, playing “dentally sound peasants”, and morality is as central a conceit as it is in Lord of the Rings (the rights of which Amazon has also bought, for $250m). The frequent earnest exposition monologues threaten to outnumber the gruesome deaths, and future headlines in the vein of “Game of Thrones walks fine line on rape: how much more can audiences take?” seem unlikely.

As Madden says, “The darkness definitely creeps into the series as we go along further, but I don’t think there is a glorification of physical violence or sexual violence in our story, which is quite unique for the fantasy genre.”"

Of course, the same article, as well as Madden herself, suffers from the unfortunate tendency of trashing the books without ever having read any of them*, making all sorts of stupid assumptions based on some vague rumour of the books' female characters being not very well written. That's remarkably prevalent in the reviews I've come across. Or possibly they based it on the extremely vituperative review in the Guardian from some days ago, by someone who did read the books ten years ago and now skimmed through them again before trashing them.

*Not really sure how much Madden has or hasn't read - based on interviews from some months ago, I think Stradowski had read the first few books at least, but the other main cast members haven't gotten anywhere near as far.

Not certain if The Guardian is just anti Amazon/Bezos but their reviews have been the outliers in terms of criticism. Even the way they frame things - "Bezos' 'Games of Thrones' is just so ignorant and hostile.

Also Madden as Egwene is amusing to me. Though I am not at Cannoli levels of hate for Egwene, I do find later books Egwene post ACOS to be one of the most hate inducing characters of the series. I hope Madden realizes who Egwene turns into.

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I am not even bothering with 2 & 3. - 21/11/2021 09:51:46 PM 1003 Views
Other than that, how did you like the play Mrs. Lincoln? *NM* - 22/11/2021 12:32:59 AM 224 Views
No stars, would not recommend. *NM* - 22/11/2021 12:57:28 PM 210 Views
I thought my link might make you laugh. Definitely two snaps down! *NM* - 22/11/2021 12:45:49 AM 290 Views
2 snaps down in a z formation! *NM* - 22/11/2021 12:58:01 PM 265 Views
Respectable Choice - 22/11/2021 01:39:37 AM 408 Views
Ugh. My main goal in life is to NOT be respectable. - 22/11/2021 02:25:52 PM 370 Views
Too bad! - 22/11/2021 02:59:24 PM 342 Views
A reasonable decision. - 22/11/2021 02:15:23 AM 488 Views
But I'm a thoroughly unreasonable person! - 22/11/2021 02:29:45 PM 391 Views
Then start acting like it! - 23/11/2021 07:00:54 PM 510 Views
Sanderson's providing some kind of running commentary... which does contain criticism. - 23/11/2021 07:59:10 PM 378 Views
Yes, I saw his comments on reddit. - 23/11/2021 09:41:33 PM 424 Views
Great read, thanks so much for posting! - 26/11/2021 05:54:06 PM 392 Views
Glad to hear it. - 26/11/2021 07:10:34 AM 461 Views
Good, those changes seem completely unnecessary and pointless. *NM* - 26/11/2021 05:43:39 PM 220 Views
I think the point to remember is, the early episodes were never going to be that great. - 22/11/2021 08:46:33 AM 398 Views
Eh, I think you give them too much slack. - 22/11/2021 02:33:04 PM 394 Views
It's possible I'll agree with that after having seen more episodes... - 22/11/2021 03:04:54 PM 379 Views
That's a big "if'. - 22/11/2021 03:31:11 PM 416 Views
*NM* - 22/11/2021 03:40:45 PM 239 Views
My work here is done! *NM* - 22/11/2021 04:01:43 PM 211 Views
Yes, it is a big 'if'. I guess I'm an optimist? - 22/11/2021 04:17:41 PM 390 Views
Agreed on - - 22/11/2021 05:27:28 PM 406 Views
Yes - neat addition, I thought, as is the map with the comments. - 22/11/2021 08:37:19 PM 338 Views
I liked the maps too! - 22/11/2021 09:36:09 PM 387 Views
Where are the extras ? :o *NM* - 23/11/2021 05:42:40 AM 236 Views
Via X-Ray --> Bonus Content *NM* - 23/11/2021 02:29:59 PM 214 Views
Hmmm I dont think I have that - 23/11/2021 08:03:52 PM 377 Views
Apparently some people need to download the Amazon Prime app to be able to see them. - 23/11/2021 08:22:31 PM 373 Views
Thanks - 24/11/2021 07:14:01 AM 411 Views
I kind of liked it - 22/11/2021 10:29:21 AM 406 Views
So, doesn't suck nearly as much as some other shows? I can accept that. *NM* - 22/11/2021 01:44:23 PM 287 Views
Re: So, doesn't suck nearly as much as some other shows? I can accept that. - 22/11/2021 02:11:57 PM 438 Views
I couldn't possibly disagree more. - 22/11/2021 03:11:32 PM 371 Views
#Justice4AbellCauthon - 22/11/2021 03:32:41 PM 410 Views
I'm kind of happy for you. - 22/11/2021 02:37:46 PM 357 Views
LOL - 22/11/2021 03:09:35 PM 403 Views
The problem with the show is - 22/11/2021 03:10:17 PM 411 Views
Well said! *NM* - 22/11/2021 03:17:18 PM 268 Views
Girl, you ain't lyin' with any of that. *NM* - 22/11/2021 03:23:42 PM 212 Views
I covered a lot of this in my reply to Joe above. - 22/11/2021 04:36:38 PM 395 Views
Re: I covered a lot of this in my reply to Joe above. - 22/11/2021 05:24:38 PM 395 Views
Re: I covered a lot of this in my reply to Joe above. - 22/11/2021 10:05:32 PM 360 Views
Just came across a related article... - 23/11/2021 06:23:31 PM 411 Views
The Guardian's views on the show are . . .not to be trusted. - 23/11/2021 09:50:01 PM 367 Views
Madden's read to book 11, apparently - 24/11/2021 02:57:46 AM 356 Views
Oh has she? Must've changed her mind since the earlier interview, then... and read quickly. - 24/11/2021 08:17:24 AM 401 Views
Re: Oh has she? Must've changed her mind since the earlier interview, then... and read quickly. - 26/11/2021 10:44:58 PM 368 Views
Let’s see if I got this right… - 27/11/2021 12:58:52 AM 381 Views
That about sums it up, yeah! *NM* - 27/11/2021 03:38:18 PM 203 Views
After all this time, you still can't handle the quoting system? - 27/11/2021 09:21:42 PM 378 Views
And they screwed that up so far! GOT..... - 23/11/2021 01:19:19 AM 343 Views
Yeah, what you said. - 05/12/2021 03:02:15 PM 386 Views
For my favorite well read pooch - 22/11/2021 05:03:55 PM 481 Views
I didn't make it more than 2 minutes into episode 1. - 22/11/2021 05:41:56 PM 394 Views
Wow, my paisan’ makes an appearance! Long time no talk, my friend. *NM* - 22/11/2021 06:36:54 PM 211 Views
Yeah it's been a while. - 22/11/2021 06:58:47 PM 364 Views
I don't understand this take - 22/11/2021 07:02:12 PM 431 Views
Re: I don't understand this take - 22/11/2021 07:15:42 PM 407 Views
the opening bothered me a little as well. - 22/11/2021 07:25:20 PM 380 Views
Re: the opening bothered me a little as well. - 23/11/2021 06:29:25 PM 420 Views
I'm well aware of the backstory and the different views on it. - 23/11/2021 07:11:19 PM 390 Views
Saidin and Saidar are in the show - 24/11/2021 03:00:50 AM 340 Views
According to the Dragonmount YouTube review as of the end of episode 6 it’s still just One Power *NM* - 24/11/2021 04:34:32 AM 177 Views
Episode 4 makes it pretty clear - 26/11/2021 10:40:07 PM 354 Views
Fair enough - 24/11/2021 09:02:50 AM 411 Views
I interpreted it differently - 23/11/2021 06:23:56 PM 420 Views
Re: I interpreted it differently - 23/11/2021 07:36:31 PM 382 Views
With regards to the pacing - 24/11/2021 07:29:36 AM 355 Views

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