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Okay, the perspective of a non-shipper viewer. Cannoli Send a noteboard - 18/05/2011 04:35:04 PM
I know it's called Castle, but I really loved how it was mostly about Beckett. I did predict a couple things, but I thought they did a good job building the suspense and keeping the energy up. And the end was unexpected, to say the least! :o

What a farce. While the latest relationship story feint fortunately does not seem to have blinded many people to the identity of the third cop, the whole ending was lame and contrived to give a cheap thrill and artificial suspense. For a show called "Castle" the focus has been entirely too much on Beckett so much so that people are forgetting you can still have a show called Castle without her. Next season could be really interesting if they decide to let her die, and feature Castle trying to finish up the case on his own, with maybe some off-the-books help from his pals in the NYPD. It might actually give the titular character a chance to grow and develop and have a function beyond plot devices and comedy. It could be a really interesting show and they will never, ever, for any reason, do that. No TV show, especially on a major network, alters the formula without compelling, non-creative reasons (ratings desperation, casting issues, etc). Some shows might plausibly knock off the main non-titular character to move the title character in a new direction. Not a show as episodic and formulaic as Castle. Beckett will be back next season, and after an episode or two teasing out a couple more threads in the Big Mystery, will go right back to unusual murders-of-the-week, generally involving celebrities or wealthy people. It's called "the reset button" and it refers to the tendency to revert shows to the status quo after calender-inspired (sweeps, proximity to holidays, season-ending or hiatus-beginning) changes. Like how the season that began with Castle off on his own and none of the cops have heard from him in weeks and he's back together with his ex-wife. Oooh! The show's all different, right? Haha!

Look at the casts of TV shows that are being canceled. Find a middle-aged actor or hot actress in her thirties or forties who plays tough types. Those are good candidates to replace Montgomery next year and keep the ball rolling. Chi McBride is a strong candidate IMO, unless they decide to go the chick-route, like Bones, a similarly shallow spunky-chick-&-smirky-dude-partners-with-sexual-tension show, did a few years back. Though they might decide that making Lanie attractive was enough in that direction. With his creepy ginger daughter growing up into a not-totally-repulsive near-woman, they might be satisfied with the hotness content of the show.

Anyway, with the suspense disposed of, why the hell was Castle a pallbearer? A guy Montgomery met a couple of years ago and socializes with less than any other cop in the office? Its like when TV shows have weddings and rather than bring in new people to wear formal clothes and not talk, they fill up the wedding party with regular cast members despite the complete lack of any reason by real world standards why they should be there, or why their extended families would keep speaking to them after they picked virtual strangers and co-worker's siblings or spouses over their own siblings and cousins. That shit does NOT get forgotten, let me tell you! And I would think a pall bearer would be likewise, especially for cops and NYPD more than any other. They get really hyped up about their whole brotherhood thing, and unless Montgomery was exposed and disgraced, like Lem on The Shield, every former partner and relative on the force is really annoyed at the family for letting this civilian celebrity d-bag groupie take his slot. They even have alluded to this sort of thing once or twice on the show, that as much as they might like Castle, he is still not a cop, and the whole partner thing with Beckett would not be legitimate in the eyes of real cops.

I'm not saying this episode was not entertaining in the manner typical of Castle, but let's not get overboard about a couple of pieces of stunt-writing.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Ok, Castle was awesome. (no spoilers in my post, but the responses are dirty with 'em!) - 17/05/2011 04:14:01 AM 1266 Views
*spoilers* - 17/05/2011 09:46:02 AM 754 Views
Re: *spoilers* - 17/05/2011 12:50:51 PM 788 Views
Re: *spoilers* - 17/05/2011 01:16:36 PM 767 Views
Re: *spoilers* - 17/05/2011 04:22:16 PM 762 Views
Re: *spoilers* - 17/05/2011 02:15:52 PM 750 Views
Nothing specific, sorry - 17/05/2011 04:17:09 PM 754 Views
Good TV (*alluded to spoilers* ) - 17/05/2011 01:59:12 PM 998 Views
Yus! - 17/05/2011 04:15:48 PM 803 Views
I should have read yours first. - 18/05/2011 04:11:33 AM 747 Views
Copycat! =^-^= *NM* - 18/05/2011 06:12:30 PM 343 Views
- 18/05/2011 06:46:11 PM 839 Views
Bah... - 19/05/2011 02:25:39 PM 1021 Views
Stop that. - 19/05/2011 04:47:35 PM 679 Views
Re: Good TV (*alluded to spoilers* ) - 17/05/2011 07:05:02 PM 802 Views
Pfft - 18/05/2011 04:00:39 PM 790 Views
Right. - 18/05/2011 05:19:52 PM 857 Views
Agree - 19/05/2011 06:56:09 PM 733 Views
I disagree with you - 24/05/2011 09:58:48 PM 700 Views
Re: Pfft - 18/05/2011 06:47:08 PM 836 Views
Re: Pfft - 19/05/2011 06:59:30 PM 736 Views
Re: Pfft - 19/05/2011 07:26:24 PM 666 Views
Nooooooooooooo! (spoilers) - 17/05/2011 02:15:28 PM 859 Views
Eee. XD - 17/05/2011 04:20:59 PM 695 Views
Re: Eee. XD - 17/05/2011 04:58:59 PM 887 Views
Why is everyone assuming a death? Did I miss something beyond the contrived ending? - 18/05/2011 04:06:37 PM 688 Views
I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not - 18/05/2011 04:44:45 PM 760 Views
But we know she's not going to die, so he's got a point. (+edit) - 18/05/2011 06:16:20 PM 727 Views
Yup. - 18/05/2011 06:51:16 PM 774 Views
Silly man. - 18/05/2011 07:11:38 PM 694 Views
Most definitely. - 19/05/2011 06:49:31 PM 735 Views
I really need to start watching it. - 17/05/2011 03:32:35 PM 652 Views
Yes, you do. - 17/05/2011 04:24:47 PM 740 Views
Okay, the perspective of a non-shipper viewer. - 18/05/2011 04:35:04 PM 860 Views
Do you lack joy in your life? - 18/05/2011 05:28:02 PM 924 Views
I think this is his joy. - 18/05/2011 06:38:14 PM 777 Views
- 19/05/2011 02:25:02 PM 915 Views
The difference between you & me is I'm mean to imaginary people, while you are mean to real people - 19/05/2011 12:26:51 AM 707 Views
Hardly, Cannoli... - 19/05/2011 02:18:36 PM 1074 Views
Why you are wrong - 22/05/2011 04:03:57 AM 804 Views
*slow clap* - 24/05/2011 10:04:58 PM 753 Views
Re: Okay, the perspective of a non-shipper viewer. - 18/05/2011 06:36:29 PM 738 Views
Re: Okay, the perspective of a non-shipper viewer. - 22/05/2011 01:30:58 PM 737 Views
It was good - 22/05/2011 01:12:14 PM 792 Views

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