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I disagree with you Wulf`gar Send a noteboard - 24/05/2011 09:58:48 PM
Physically, if she'd wanted to get out, she probably could have, but it would've involved hurting Castle. Emotionally, she had already broken when she allowed him to pick her up and physically carry her out. She wasn't going to hurt him and emotionally she had already given into being removed from the fight even if she hadn't physically moved. She was faced with the shock that the cop she had trusted and who had trained her was involved in her mother's death (albeit as somewhat of a footnote) and I don't think she was physically committed to risking her life to save his at that point.

I had no problem with it.
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Ok, Castle was awesome. (no spoilers in my post, but the responses are dirty with 'em!) - 17/05/2011 04:14:01 AM 1161 Views
*spoilers* - 17/05/2011 09:46:02 AM 658 Views
Re: *spoilers* - 17/05/2011 12:50:51 PM 693 Views
Re: *spoilers* - 17/05/2011 01:16:36 PM 672 Views
Re: *spoilers* - 17/05/2011 04:22:16 PM 656 Views
Re: *spoilers* - 17/05/2011 02:15:52 PM 669 Views
Nothing specific, sorry - 17/05/2011 04:17:09 PM 669 Views
Good TV (*alluded to spoilers* ) - 17/05/2011 01:59:12 PM 873 Views
Yus! - 17/05/2011 04:15:48 PM 697 Views
I should have read yours first. - 18/05/2011 04:11:33 AM 651 Views
Copycat! =^-^= *NM* - 18/05/2011 06:12:30 PM 304 Views
- 18/05/2011 06:46:11 PM 715 Views
Bah... - 19/05/2011 02:25:39 PM 920 Views
Stop that. - 19/05/2011 04:47:35 PM 574 Views
Re: Good TV (*alluded to spoilers* ) - 17/05/2011 07:05:02 PM 691 Views
Pfft - 18/05/2011 04:00:39 PM 660 Views
Right. - 18/05/2011 05:19:52 PM 769 Views
Agree - 19/05/2011 06:56:09 PM 618 Views
I disagree with you - 24/05/2011 09:58:48 PM 595 Views
Re: Pfft - 18/05/2011 06:47:08 PM 716 Views
Re: Pfft - 19/05/2011 06:59:30 PM 639 Views
Re: Pfft - 19/05/2011 07:26:24 PM 575 Views
Nooooooooooooo! (spoilers) - 17/05/2011 02:15:28 PM 745 Views
Eee. XD - 17/05/2011 04:20:59 PM 605 Views
Re: Eee. XD - 17/05/2011 04:58:59 PM 791 Views
Why is everyone assuming a death? Did I miss something beyond the contrived ending? - 18/05/2011 04:06:37 PM 598 Views
I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not - 18/05/2011 04:44:45 PM 636 Views
But we know she's not going to die, so he's got a point. (+edit) - 18/05/2011 06:16:20 PM 632 Views
Yup. - 18/05/2011 06:51:16 PM 672 Views
Silly man. - 18/05/2011 07:11:38 PM 604 Views
Most definitely. - 19/05/2011 06:49:31 PM 640 Views
I really need to start watching it. - 17/05/2011 03:32:35 PM 564 Views
Yes, you do. - 17/05/2011 04:24:47 PM 647 Views
Okay, the perspective of a non-shipper viewer. - 18/05/2011 04:35:04 PM 749 Views
Do you lack joy in your life? - 18/05/2011 05:28:02 PM 834 Views
I think this is his joy. - 18/05/2011 06:38:14 PM 683 Views
- 19/05/2011 02:25:02 PM 824 Views
The difference between you & me is I'm mean to imaginary people, while you are mean to real people - 19/05/2011 12:26:51 AM 609 Views
Hardly, Cannoli... - 19/05/2011 02:18:36 PM 980 Views
Why you are wrong - 22/05/2011 04:03:57 AM 690 Views
*slow clap* - 24/05/2011 10:04:58 PM 637 Views
Re: Okay, the perspective of a non-shipper viewer. - 18/05/2011 06:36:29 PM 645 Views
Re: Okay, the perspective of a non-shipper viewer. - 22/05/2011 01:30:58 PM 640 Views
It was good - 22/05/2011 01:12:14 PM 681 Views

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