Active Users:133 Time:14/06/2024 03:24:01 PM
Its illogical to assume that Westlanders... Heiko Send a noteboard - 16/12/2009 12:25:08 AM
... would turn on their neighbors as TG rages. Were I Demandred, I would seek out peoples who are unfamiliar with the Westlands, peoples who could be convinced of the evils of the Westlands and it's inhabitants. Or perhaps groups of dedicated darkfriends. To think that an entire Westland nation would turn its armies on their neighbors while trollocs are pouring out of the Blight and reality itself is breaking apart... well, I just don't think Demandred is quite that good.
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The legend of Murandy's unimportance - 15/12/2009 03:02:16 PM 1058 Views
But it's still a small country - 15/12/2009 03:06:24 PM 460 Views
Again, Murandy might be a bit smaller - 15/12/2009 03:10:11 PM 467 Views
Re: Again, Murandy might be a bit smaller - 15/12/2009 04:44:22 PM 430 Views
The Dragonsworn made chaos in half of the Westlands. - 15/12/2009 04:55:00 PM 679 Views
Agreed, only Sammael, Rhavin and Be'lal really laid claim to nations - 15/12/2009 07:12:17 PM 431 Views
to confirm you - 15/12/2009 10:47:22 PM 418 Views
I'm just not convinced that this would be a coup major enough to earn Demandred DO Kudos. - 15/12/2009 03:06:54 PM 435 Views
As said, controlling Murandy plus chaos by the Dragonsworn in 6 Westland nations. *NM* - 15/12/2009 03:11:25 PM 189 Views
well no, arad doman and tarabon were not his.... *NM* - 15/12/2009 03:57:27 PM 197 Views
Umm.., care to elaborate? *NM* - 15/12/2009 04:10:15 PM 191 Views
I was pretty sure that the Dragonsworn as a fighting force were destroyed. - 15/12/2009 04:07:38 PM 388 Views
But the Dragonsworn caused much chaos everywhere they were through the series... - 15/12/2009 04:28:42 PM 369 Views
But that's not the Shadow's aim. - 15/12/2009 06:32:38 PM 394 Views
I have always said that Demandred is loosely based on Hannibal Barca... - 15/12/2009 04:29:22 PM 465 Views
Those a pretty flimsy conformities, IMO... - 15/12/2009 04:53:04 PM 402 Views
Of course.. - 15/12/2009 05:06:04 PM 393 Views
The Seanchan have elephants too ... S'redit I think they call them - 16/12/2009 12:04:40 AM 453 Views
Yes, but with so many Trollocs who needs vast armies of men? - 15/12/2009 07:15:08 PM 386 Views
Re: I'm just not convinced that this would be a coup major enough to earn Demandred DO Kudos. - 15/12/2009 08:15:05 PM 441 Views
Re: I'm just not convinced that this would be a coup major enough to earn Demandred DO Kudos. - 15/12/2009 08:28:02 PM 367 Views
But this has been going on since at least aCoS - 16/12/2009 12:07:08 AM 370 Views
Re: But this has been going on since at least aCoS - 16/12/2009 03:01:00 PM 413 Views
well, it's not like the Forsaken have been particularly impressive thus far - 16/12/2009 06:51:38 PM 361 Views
It's about the impact of action. Timing. - 15/12/2009 10:53:03 PM 364 Views
Why does Demandred say: "We" will be ready? Why not "I" will be ready? - 15/12/2009 04:06:42 PM 523 Views
Well... - 15/12/2009 04:22:57 PM 409 Views
Re: Why does Demandred say: "We" will be ready? Why not "I" will be ready? - 15/12/2009 07:59:16 PM 387 Views
It is insignificant. - 15/12/2009 10:49:20 PM 373 Views
It's importance lies in it's strategic location. - 16/12/2009 04:46:20 AM 377 Views
I think some Murandians might mention Trollocs gathering there. - 16/12/2009 07:05:29 AM 406 Views
what if they're wearing dresses and lady masks? *NM* - 16/12/2009 09:10:57 AM 193 Views
Do the ladies in Murandy wear masks? I don't recall. - 16/12/2009 09:24:46 AM 391 Views
masks to look like ladies *NM* - 16/12/2009 04:11:07 PM 186 Views
Note to self: Avoid the Murandian ladies... *NM* - 16/12/2009 05:06:04 PM 201 Views
Moridin is gathering the Trollocs in the Blight, as we learn in TGS! - 16/12/2009 12:13:38 PM 364 Views
A Murandian army is insignificant. - 16/12/2009 07:59:54 PM 378 Views
For example, the Great Captain Bryne doesn't agree with you... - 16/12/2009 08:25:19 PM 361 Views
Maybe he's based in an alternate universe? - 16/12/2009 09:26:53 PM 350 Views
He doesn't? - 16/12/2009 11:37:34 PM 356 Views
Re: A Murandian army is insignificant. - 16/12/2009 08:27:28 PM 392 Views
Surely you jest. - 16/12/2009 11:39:23 PM 339 Views
Re: Surely you jest. - 17/12/2009 06:35:57 AM 356 Views
Well that depends. - 17/12/2009 08:33:12 PM 355 Views
As said, it's additional chaos and strife. - 16/12/2009 12:01:05 PM 774 Views
Its illogical to assume that Westlanders... - 16/12/2009 12:25:08 AM 376 Views
But that is exactly... - 16/12/2009 11:53:11 AM 383 Views
I agree mostly. It's a common RJ theme - 16/12/2009 07:42:39 AM 411 Views
Honestly, at this point - 16/12/2009 09:07:35 AM 365 Views
In my view... - 16/12/2009 12:10:20 PM 356 Views
Re: In my view... - 16/12/2009 04:08:41 PM 352 Views
Kisman's pov shows Demandred has been involved in the BT - 17/12/2009 06:01:49 AM 453 Views
I think... - 17/12/2009 12:07:05 PM 356 Views
You're right - 17/12/2009 12:33:35 PM 353 Views
Interesting. - 17/12/2009 05:41:20 PM 329 Views
Aran'gar playing Demandred... - 17/12/2009 06:23:23 PM 355 Views
Ah, right that order is certainly out of character with Demandred. *NM* - 17/12/2009 06:40:32 PM 156 Views

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