...throw a weasel at your face. How do you respond?
...render you unconscious, dress you in red silk pajamas, and put you in bed with Carrot Top. How do you respond?
...force you at gunpoint...no wait, bananapoint. Yeah, that's it, bananapoint. Let's say I force you at bananapoint to juggle 5 chainsaws over a pit of boiling oil, while threatening to shave funny designs into the fur of your pet poodle should you refuse. How do you respond?
Standard, or toy?
...kiss you like you have never been kissed before. How do you respond?
never before good, or never before bad. More importantly, would I be attracted to you?
...eat all the potato chips in your house. How do you respond?
Sigh and eat the nachos
...replace your printer cartridge with white ink. How do you respond?
...use Photoshop and make some compromising pictures of you and George Bush to sell to the Enquirer. How do you respond?
Autograph them
...hide Chucky dolls randomly around your house. How do you respond?
juggle them over boiling oil
...throw random smileys at you like they were ninja stars. How do you respond?
...arrange for you to have dinner with either Bob Dylan or Michael Jordan. How do you respond?
Get some balti take away and broaden my horizons
...blow up France. How do you respond?
giggle a bit and speak French poorly
...tie you to a treadmill that powers the electrical system in my house. How do you respond?
sprint and blow all your circuits
Tai'Shar Cheeselandia Good books good, bad fire bad
si te certiorem facerem, mihi delendus esses