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(Blank subject) Kucumber Joe - 26/01/2003 01:22:14 PM

...throw a weasel at your face. How do you respond?

Eat the weasel.

...render you unconscious, dress you in red silk pajamas, and put you in bed with Carrot Top. How do you respond?

I don't know who carrot top is. For the rest though I'd probably hang you off a tall building by your feet.

...force you at wait, bananapoint. Yeah, that's it, bananapoint. Let's say I force you at bananapoint to juggle 5 chainsaws over a pit of boiling oil, while threatening to shave funny designs into the fur of your pet poodle should you refuse. How do you respond?

Probably die. Those chainsaws are dangerous.

...kiss you like you have never been kissed before. How do you respond?

I'd run. all the potato chips in your house. How do you respond?

Beat you up, steal your money, buy some more.

...replace your printer cartridge with white ink. How do you respond?

Laugh. That'd be cool.

...use Photoshop and make some compromising pictures of you and George Bush to sell to the Enquirer. How do you respond?

Laugh. Then cut your arms off and make you eat them.

...hide Chucky dolls randomly around your house. How do you respond?

I'd sit in the corner and mumble.

...throw random smileys at you like they were ninja stars. How do you respond?

Kill them all. And you.

...arrange for you to have dinner with either Bob Dylan or Michael Jordan. How do you respond?

I'd say thanks. Maybe shake your hand.

...blow up France. How do you respond?

I'd say thanks. Maybe shake your hand.

...tie you to a treadmill that powers the electrical system in my house. How do you respond?

Flip out. Smash the joint. Steal your house.

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Just for arguments sake, let's say I.......... - 25/01/2003 11:45:51 PM 139 Views
Re: Just for arguments sake, let's say I.......... - 25/01/2003 11:56:42 PM 14 Views
you raise an excellent question...... - 26/01/2003 12:00:18 AM 8 Views
Re: you raise an excellent question...... - 26/01/2003 12:04:23 AM 8 Views
Re: you raise an excellent question...... - 26/01/2003 12:06:33 AM 4 Views
There are no small canvasses, only small artists *NM* - 26/01/2003 12:08:17 AM 5 Views
good point. - 26/01/2003 12:11:14 AM 5 Views
Re: good point. - 26/01/2003 12:22:28 AM 7 Views
What are we arguing, here? - 25/01/2003 11:56:52 PM 16 Views
Re: What are we arguing, here? - 26/01/2003 12:01:49 AM 7 Views
So . . . what are we arguing? - 26/01/2003 12:05:26 AM 9 Views
Isn't it obvious? - 26/01/2003 12:08:49 AM 10 Views
Ohhh . . . well, in that case. - 26/01/2003 12:18:46 AM 4 Views
tell you what.... - 26/01/2003 12:22:14 AM 3 Views
My reactions. - 25/01/2003 11:58:00 PM 13 Views
Re: My reactions. - 26/01/2003 12:04:53 AM 10 Views
Re: Just for arguments sake, let's say I.......... - 26/01/2003 12:43:45 AM 9 Views
::shrugs:: - 26/01/2003 01:12:58 AM 8 Views
Re: Just for arguments sake, let's say I.......... - 26/01/2003 05:52:49 AM 4 Views
Re: Just for arguments sake, let's say I.......... - 26/01/2003 06:11:38 AM 3 Views
This is a really cool survey - 26/01/2003 07:49:47 AM 7 Views
nice questions - 26/01/2003 08:43:34 AM 6 Views
(Blank subject) - 26/01/2003 01:22:14 PM 8 Views
lets just say kneecapping WOULD be an option - 26/01/2003 03:19:43 PM 5 Views
SIX! the answer is SIX!!!! - 27/01/2003 03:50:48 AM 5 Views
lol Wow. - 27/01/2003 10:12:22 PM 3 Views