I haven't had that one...
you should try it, its really good chocolate, vanilla, and caramel..mmmm
Mmm... pepperoni...
I have some of those too
the only kind of fish that I will eat
Mmmm.... Anne in the shower... now you're making me blush
I know its weird, I've been told that
well, I have kiriel, Anne, and the Dixie Chicks, and there was some reason that I had the Dixie Chicks one, but I can't remember what it is...oh, and I have the one that I used to send you your valentine *hugs you tight*
*hugs back* Really?
yes, really
My perfect match, then
you'll just have to find out if they are yes's
You mean, "Nice legs, when do they open?"?
oh, yeah, he did say that one didn't he? I meant the one where he asked me how I liked my eggs in the morning, if I liked them fertilized
I'm not just going to give you them the easy way
it was obvious, wasn't it?
Yeah? What's she make?
well its not really what she makes, but just how good it is, because she makes all the traditional stuff, just makes it really really good
You sure?
hmm...I'll have to test it *flutters her eyelashes* Brad, hun, will you write me a poem?
We already talked about this, remember?
lol, that's true, we did
a little
... *refrains frrom stating the obvious*
Well... okay.
i'll have to try some and then tell you which i like best Yeah, you get your own bag of popcorn, then
hehehe, everyone is grossed out by that Well... I like your smile, and your eyes. And I suppose your voice and giggle would be physical, right? And... other things
well, i'm glad that you like those things
Well, you're intelligent, and funny, and great, and a few other words that don't seem to want to go beyond the fact that I know them.
What do you think of them?
i think they are great
I've never thought of that
isn't it just weird when you think of it like that?
Good song
yep *hugs*
*hugs back*
I don't know, I haven't seen it... Really?
I've told you before that I thought you looked kinda like Ben Stiller...didn't I tell you about that weird dream I had that had you in it but you were also Ben Stiller? it was odd
Well, I've got that...
yes you do
Well... maybe you could refresh my memory
how about I nb you the list of songs on that cd I made?
Neither do I. That's why I asked. Dynelle once called me that...
hmm...I really don't know what it means
I see
I think you look great, honey
its okay
"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous."