Well, there's a Baskin Robin's in West Edmonton Mall (actually, I think there may be two), so I can try it when you come up
sound good to me I am an expert at Baskin-Robbins ice cream
I haven't had lobster or crab either. Or calamari. But shrimp... oh, shrimp. My family puts a limit on how much shrimp I'm allowed to eat at family gatherings I love shrimp
But only with ketchup
That cocktail sauce is disgusting
lol, that's great! and I completely agree about the cocktail sauce thing, it is disgusting. speaking of limits on food, my mom has banned me from eating Top Ramen at anyone's house because of how I eat it
Yeah, that is pretty lame
I know, it really is she said that it must work though 'cause she said it to one guy and he asked her to prom (though when she tells the story she doesn't mention that she said it to him about two months before he asked her to prom
Nice... I don't think I've ever had pine nuts before...
they're really good in salad, if you come down this summer my mom puts them in a lot of the salads that she makes *kisses you lightly*
*grins and kisses*
I just did. A whole bunch smooshed into one.
well, yes, but they weren't all food questions
*kisses more*
*kisses back*
"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous."