Active Users:121 Time:15/06/2024 06:07:51 AM
Well surprise, surprise, surprise, those amendments WERE debated, that's how they came up for a vote HyogaRott Send a noteboard - 18/04/2013 08:53:40 PM

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Senators from both parties voted against the measures. And senators from both parties voted for the measures.

Also, just because you may not agree with the "other" side does not make them into cowards. It just means that they have different opinions than you do.

You do your arguments harm when you go this route.

only two of the seven "failed" bills you linked to have less than 50 votes. we have been reduced to needing 60 votes in the US Senate to get anything passed because some republicans have promised a filibuster on anything and everything that obama proposes (is that better for your complaint?). under normal circumstances, only 51 votes are needed to pass something in the Senate. ask yourself who is responsible for making 60 votes the new majority. i'll give you a hint: it starts with re and ends with publican.

as for cowardice, we are talking about a select number of republicans who promised to filibuster the DEBATE of the bills, much less the actual vote on those bills. we are talking about a major piece of legislation being prevented from debate by a promise of a filibuster. in other words, the lobbying efforts of groups like the NRA has these specific republicans so afraid of losing their seats by voting for bills which 90% of the public supports that they won't even allow them to be discussed. yes, i will continue to call this cowardice because that is precisely what it is.

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Obama embarrassed - Senate Gun Control Bill Fails..... - 18/04/2013 03:51:37 AM 928 Views
yep. republican obstructionism and cowardice knows no bounds.... - 18/04/2013 03:07:46 PM 468 Views
- 18/04/2013 03:15:15 PM 525 Views
You're being rather partisan here. And wrong to denigrate Republicans. - 18/04/2013 03:55:34 PM 545 Views
sorry, who is the minority party again? it's not the democrats - 18/04/2013 06:19:43 PM 528 Views
moondog is funny when his side is losing..... - 18/04/2013 06:55:07 PM 429 Views
Well surprise, surprise, surprise, those amendments WERE debated, that's how they came up for a vote - 18/04/2013 08:53:40 PM 425 Views
and it's still the republican obstructionism which doomed them to failure - 18/04/2013 09:07:51 PM 535 Views
I LOVE obstructionism when it stops stupid ideas. *NM* - 18/04/2013 09:10:54 PM 201 Views
So does your ignorance on how your government process functions. - 18/04/2013 04:46:53 PM 434 Views
don't play dumb, you are better than that - 18/04/2013 06:24:22 PM 415 Views
"an important" is not at all the same thing as "the most important." - 18/04/2013 04:10:47 PM 597 Views
I agree, BS polling like this (by either side) annoys me. - 18/04/2013 04:56:44 PM 377 Views
actually..... - 18/04/2013 06:25:31 PM 526 Views
It is a silly poll - 18/04/2013 09:21:25 PM 529 Views

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