Active Users:193 Time:14/06/2024 10:30:31 AM
that's right. because our right to be blown away trumps life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness moondog Send a noteboard - 18/04/2013 09:06:32 PM

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Magazine capacity:
I don't need a reason to keep magazine size unregulated, you need an compelling reason to make them illegal, and you don't have one.

Straw Sales:
They are not "conclusively proven" to be the main supplyer of weapons used in crimes, they are widely believed to be, a significant difference, and IT IS ALREADY ILLEGAL.

The easy route:
What part of "It is already illegal to supply a felon with a gun" are you not comprehending? There are no exceptions to this law. If I buy a gun, and give it to my buddy who did felony time, I have commited a crime. It is a crime today, it was a crime yesterday, and it will still be a crime tomorrow.

it's a badly enforced one, and only at the state level. this is why it is necessary to create a federal standard of what constitutes straw purchases, and give it the teeth and funding to take guns out of the hands of criminals. but you'd rather see those criminals armed and dangerous because you can't justify having a gun for self defense otherwise. straw sales account for almost half of all guns used in crimes, but i'm sure you'll still find a reason to prevent its practice.

i'm not sure what could be a more compelling reason for smaller magazines when many of the last massacres took advantage of the larger magazine capacity to kill more people before they could be stopped. again, the idea is to stop the fatalities of gun violence. i'm not sure why having more carnage is a constitutional requirement for having guns so much so that we can't find ways to limit it. every other country which allows its citizens to have guns can see that there are steps we can take to reduce the damage they do, but it's people like you who prevent us from doing the same here in America.

"The RIAA has shown a certain disregard for the creative people of the industry in their eagerness to protect the revenues of the record companies." -- Frank Zappa

"That's the trouble with political jokes in this country... they get elected!" -- Dave Lippman
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Obama embarrassed - Senate Gun Control Bill Fails..... - 18/04/2013 03:51:37 AM 927 Views
More importantly, they failed becasue it was just knee-jerk "must do something publicly" BS. - 18/04/2013 01:55:43 PM 493 Views
there is no law anywhere which can undo the past - 18/04/2013 03:12:14 PM 449 Views
Let me rephrase... None of them could have prevented a FUTURE attack. - 18/04/2013 04:37:43 PM 994 Views
nothing can prevent future attacks. the goal is to stop criminals getting guns and reduce fatalities - 18/04/2013 06:07:32 PM 394 Views
lol. I can't believe you made thatargument - 18/04/2013 08:46:45 PM 544 Views
EXACTLY, which is why all this legistation was garbage - 18/04/2013 08:47:35 PM 522 Views
that's right. because our right to be blown away trumps life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - 18/04/2013 09:06:32 PM 492 Views
Turn off your partisin blinders and listen to logic for once. - 19/04/2013 12:41:12 AM 486 Views
+1 - This is "feel good" legislation that accomplishes nothing..... *NM* - 18/04/2013 06:06:07 PM 269 Views
yep. republican obstructionism and cowardice knows no bounds.... - 18/04/2013 03:07:46 PM 467 Views
- 18/04/2013 03:15:15 PM 525 Views
You're being rather partisan here. And wrong to denigrate Republicans. - 18/04/2013 03:55:34 PM 545 Views
sorry, who is the minority party again? it's not the democrats - 18/04/2013 06:19:43 PM 528 Views
moondog is funny when his side is losing..... - 18/04/2013 06:55:07 PM 428 Views
So does your ignorance on how your government process functions. - 18/04/2013 04:46:53 PM 434 Views
don't play dumb, you are better than that - 18/04/2013 06:24:22 PM 415 Views
"an important" is not at all the same thing as "the most important." - 18/04/2013 04:10:47 PM 597 Views
I agree, BS polling like this (by either side) annoys me. - 18/04/2013 04:56:44 PM 377 Views
actually..... - 18/04/2013 06:25:31 PM 526 Views
It is a silly poll - 18/04/2013 09:21:25 PM 529 Views

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