Active Users:219 Time:09/05/2024 02:50:43 AM
WHAT. THE. SHIT?! Cannoli Send a noteboard - 11/09/2017 11:58:15 PM

Long story short: Australian kid at 12 decided he was a girl, Mom gave him her hormone medicine to help him transition, because his bones were growing to man-size and his face was getting masculine, and if they waited until he was 16 and got a court order to begin treatment he might have been an ugly woman. This could not stand, obviously! Except now he thinks he's not transgender anymore and is actually a boy and Mom is getting him breast reduction surgery.

She is not a mom. She should be called a "cunt", for the precise reasons why it is wrong to call people that word in normal circumstances. It reduces people to a single body part, and in uncomplimentary fashion. Well, that's what she deserves. She is a failure as a mother, all she did was push this kid out of her womb and chemically abuse him for her own emotional gratification. "Bitch" is too good for her, because actual bitches are better mothers than that. She's Australian, so "cunt" isn't all that bad a term down there (if you'll pardon the expression), from what I have heard from people who have been and returned safely.

Big shocker, it's a single mother.

And in the interviews, this dipshit has the gall to blame the doctor for misdiagnosing him and asking why no one told her to let him work things out. The kid, at 12, said it felt like he wished he could just change everything about himself. That's called "puberty" and everything DOES change. It's called "growing up". Defending her paying attention to her kid's idiocy, the mother says that no kid would do it "on a whim." She put her child through what she calls "one of the most harrowing, stressful...experiences you can have" And she put him through it based on the opinions of a 12 year old! Also, to say that no one would do it if it wasn't a real issue for them is nonsense. There are many cases of hypochondriacs who seek out extreme treatment regimens for the attention. Hell, kids will do just about anything to be the center of attention, as a transitioning child would be. If they don't have any obvious male role models, boys are going to be very inclined to try to be more like Mommy, and do things that might be perceived as getting closer to her. There's all kinds of reasons with plenty of precedent why he might actually lie or be honestly mistaken. But you don't give people drugs, because a CHILD is really sure about something.

And the stupid interviewer on Australian 60 Minutes (what makes it Australian? Does it have a pouch, or is everyone on the show an ex-con? ) keeps humoring the kid and his gestatrix, asking leading questions. "Was it a difficult decision for you to break the law and do what your kid wanted?" Of course the twit was too stupid to realize right away that her line is "Yes," and has to think about it for a minute for stammering to the sympathetic response he was dangling in her face. Then, when he's talking to an actual scientist, the interviewer argues that "it's incredibly distressing" for a kid with a genuine case of gender dysphoria. Yeah, it's 'incredibly distressing' for people who get diagnosed with cancer, too. But you don't humor them during their denial phase!

And for the deep thinker who got this rolling by deciding he was a girl, the worst part about his current situation is having to wear baggy clothes. That's why we don't care what he thinks. About anything.

Amusing note in the video: Australians pronounce girl like "gull" and the female hormone is "eestrogen". If you are transitioning to a "gull", does that involving getting feathers implanted? This is not a matter of accents: there is a letter "r" in there for a reason!

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
60 Minutes segment
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WHAT. THE. SHIT?! - 11/09/2017 11:58:15 PM 1175 Views
As usual, I'm going to breeze past most of the nonsense here. - 12/09/2017 02:27:37 AM 581 Views
Oh, for sure. - 12/09/2017 10:55:59 PM 489 Views
Just like cancer--it's natural, so it can't be bad. - 13/09/2017 12:37:16 AM 455 Views
You say my argument isn't good, so you rebut with... that? - 13/09/2017 02:01:04 AM 466 Views
Are you familiar with the suicide rates of people experiencing dysphoria? - 13/09/2017 02:10:44 AM 412 Views
Sigh - 13/09/2017 04:28:34 AM 527 Views
Actually - 13/09/2017 12:46:03 PM 371 Views
You can't change your sex. - 13/09/2017 02:06:05 PM 784 Views
I'm not talking about DNA. - 13/09/2017 02:55:26 PM 388 Views
I wouldn't care, either, if not for the demand for official recognition. - 13/09/2017 03:41:34 PM 539 Views
What are they asking for that bothers you? *NM* - 13/09/2017 04:07:19 PM 260 Views
He repeatedly said so in his posts. - 13/09/2017 04:24:15 PM 525 Views
Yes, thank you for mansplaining. - 13/09/2017 05:23:59 PM 376 Views
Cannoli is right. I was pretty clear about what bothers me. - 13/09/2017 08:49:12 PM 427 Views
I did expect more - 13/09/2017 10:36:36 PM 455 Views
I thought I provided it. Adherence to logic, facts and reality. - 13/09/2017 10:41:39 PM 464 Views
No, you did. - 13/09/2017 11:16:18 PM 436 Views
I agree with this. - 13/09/2017 04:34:19 PM 392 Views
Yeah, they are. - 14/09/2017 03:29:07 AM 434 Views
LOL - 14/09/2017 06:06:28 AM 423 Views
You replace that "M" with an "L", and change the "no" to an "a".... - 14/09/2017 06:17:06 AM 449 Views
... yet. *NM* - 13/09/2017 07:26:56 PM 282 Views
Congratulations. You've begun arguing for transition. - 13/09/2017 03:08:32 PM 396 Views
Don't forget.... - 13/09/2017 07:27:41 PM 369 Views
I repeat, you do not fix your problems by maiming yourself. - 13/09/2017 09:56:36 PM 391 Views
So your suggestion is to keep the suicide rate staggeringly high. Excellent solution. - 13/09/2017 11:03:42 PM 451 Views
Nice strawman. - 14/09/2017 02:42:01 AM 370 Views
And in the meantime, while your miracle drugs and therapies are being developed... *NM* - 14/09/2017 03:08:55 AM 305 Views
Don't allow them to maim themselves. It's that simple. I don't get why you don't get it. - 14/09/2017 03:18:20 AM 472 Views
Because you're saying "don't do this thing that makes you less likely to kill yourself." - 14/09/2017 05:46:13 AM 375 Views
- 14/09/2017 05:19:40 PM 401 Views
In fairness to Ghavrel... - 14/09/2017 11:15:04 PM 416 Views
Oh, thank you! Your hyperbolic sarcasm has opened my eyes! - 15/09/2017 06:28:35 AM 367 Views
I thought your latest replies were slacking off a bit, so I resumed your best arguments from before. - 15/09/2017 07:22:04 AM 443 Views
You're not even making sense. - 15/09/2017 05:46:04 PM 424 Views
If only stamina were enough to win a debate. - 15/09/2017 08:00:26 PM 470 Views
Oh! Haha! I don't know how I missed the humor there! - 15/09/2017 08:42:50 PM 338 Views
Yeah, most people feel that way when they're being mocked. *NM* - 15/09/2017 09:00:32 PM 283 Views
This is pretty sad on multiple levels.... - 12/09/2017 10:45:17 PM 451 Views
Transgenderism is the Twenty First Century's phrenology *NM* - 13/09/2017 12:25:29 AM 300 Views
So how to protect little Pat from - 13/09/2017 04:32:44 PM 406 Views
You seem either confused on what that means, or leaping to rather unjustified conclusions. - 13/09/2017 06:29:47 PM 375 Views
I missed that part.... - 13/09/2017 07:00:17 PM 346 Views
Not confused about the syndrome. Was the kid in the article/news segment named 'Pat'? - 13/09/2017 07:06:08 PM 382 Views
Patrick, yes. - 13/09/2017 07:08:37 PM 375 Views
Doctor shopping, of course - 13/09/2017 07:24:20 PM 427 Views
I doubt it's that easy. But what makes this different from other conditions in that regard? *NM* - 13/09/2017 07:34:30 PM 282 Views
Because it's not wrong...? - 15/09/2017 05:53:24 PM 393 Views
I suppose. I meant on the doctors approving treatment side. - 15/09/2017 08:10:59 PM 434 Views
That is one of the draw back of the US medical system - 18/09/2017 05:02:38 PM 371 Views
HAHAHAHA!!!! - 13/09/2017 07:07:08 PM 314 Views
You ain't lyin' about that. - 14/09/2017 04:06:48 AM 429 Views
I find the things they're doing with young people on this issue very troubling. - 14/09/2017 03:58:05 AM 429 Views
I think this is an eminently reasonable viewpoint. - 14/09/2017 05:49:00 AM 459 Views

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