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Healing from Trauma and Such Jeordam Send a noteboard - 18/10/2018 10:23:02 PM

View original postI think right there, the part where you say 'her accusation served absolutely no purpose other than to try and derail his job promotion' - that's the part where you disbelieved her from the start because you didn't want the accusation to be true, and it would have required rock solid proof to persuade you otherwise. Yet as mook pointed out, if Ford were a family member or a personal friend of yours, probably you'd start from the opposite assumption.

So let me set the stage right here. I didn't believe her. I didn't believe him. I only believe facts. This is especially true with something that was supposed to take place 36 years ago...where she was drunk. The time differential and the admitted mindset already make me prone to not-believe her even more. So let's make it personal where let's say she was a family member or a loved one. I will listen to her story with empathy. I will actively listen to what she has to say. However, I won't say I believe her. Why? Because the emotion of the situation is not a factor which has weight with me. Is this because I'm a cold hearted bastard? shrug Maybe. Is this because of the lifetime of training in the scientific world where facts outweigh everything else? Maybe. Is it because I'm a man and she's a woman? Absolutely not. Why? Because that thought is based upon misogynistic belief...which is emotional, not factual.

View original postIt's not true, anyway, that such an inherently unprovable accusation long after the fact serves no purpose other than to try and ruin the accused's life or career, be it in Kavanaugh's case or any other. It's an important step in dealing with what has happened - being able to finally publicly speak out about it and confront the person who has assaulted you, or who you believe has assaulted you. Whether that results in any direct consequences on that person's life or not isn't really the point there.

I would actually challenge this statement. Confronting one's abuser is not a necessary step to healing. Why? Because that would mean that for each and every situation where the abuser was not able to be confronted, that the victim would not be able to find healing. This is not the case. This is why I think that the entire #Metoo movement is ultimately doomed. Why? Because these woman haven't found healing. Proof of this assertion? The anger they still feel is openly displayed. Their trauma is still a defining characteristic of their life. Their pain, anger, heartache, etc. is still a cornerstone in their life. That event is a fundamental object in which their life orbits.

View original postAs for should he sue - did you see the edit to my previous post? You're very keen to keep presuming the innocence of people accused of sexual assault, possibly because you have the Kavanaugh case in mind rather than other people who also can't be proven guilty but look a lot less clean. But when we're talking suing for libel or slander, it means you'd need to prove that your accuser deliberately lied in order to harm you - so now this woman becomes the accused who is innocent unless you can prove her to be guilty (yeah, it's a civil case rather than a criminal one, but still). And here you seem very keen to presume that she is indeed guilty of that - even though the general consensus among Republican senators who heard her was that she seemed compelling and seemed to be genuinely convinced of what she said.

I didn't read your edit. I didn't see it until a little while ago. I get what you're saying....that the innocent until proven guilty has to work for her too. I agree. The circumstantial aspect of her accusation is actively working against her. Did she lie to intentionally harm him? Unknown. Do I find it plausible? Yes. Do the circumstances logically lead to this assertion? Yes. Is it provable in a court of law? Not unless there's an e-mail/recording or something. So then it's all up to public opinion. If that's the case, then it cuts both's already cut him.


ex-Admin at wotmania (all things wot & art galleries)
Saving the Princess, Humanity, or the World-Entire since 1985
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#BelieveAllWomen - 16/10/2018 11:02:04 AM 1056 Views
I read something the other day... - 16/10/2018 07:07:29 PM 539 Views
That's not an accurate definition of 'the MeToo mindset'. - 16/10/2018 08:24:22 PM 475 Views
Most of what you are speaking of I agree with.... - 16/10/2018 10:17:09 PM 428 Views
Really? I see mostly disagreements here. Including one big one I want to focus on. - 17/10/2018 12:21:38 AM 383 Views
And I smell bullshit - 18/10/2018 12:52:40 AM 331 Views
Healing from Trauma and Such - 18/10/2018 10:23:02 PM 345 Views
you can have #believeher and say that it wasn't this about - 17/10/2018 03:30:10 AM 678 Views
You can dismiss any movement by focusing only on its extreme members or manifestations. - 18/10/2018 11:30:02 PM 400 Views
When their radical beliefs are treated as mainstream then you can and should judge them - 19/10/2018 03:36:35 PM 364 Views
So... - 19/10/2018 04:48:05 PM 365 Views
Death Penalty? - 19/10/2018 05:38:10 PM 398 Views
Re: Death Penalty? - 19/10/2018 07:18:59 PM 353 Views
So then why did you use the words "Death Penalty"? - 19/10/2018 08:50:45 PM 395 Views
Re: So then why did you use the words "Death Penalty"? - 19/10/2018 11:11:07 PM 340 Views
You are mistaken - 20/10/2018 08:46:33 PM 501 Views
So ... - 20/10/2018 08:17:19 PM 368 Views
There are also the smaller things - 17/10/2018 05:31:55 AM 503 Views
You seem pretty disingenuous here - 17/10/2018 11:08:27 PM 400 Views
If you truly want to understand any of this, read up on intersectionality. *NM* - 17/10/2018 05:48:49 PM 197 Views
I don't have to. It's a bullshit Victocrat Peerage system - 18/10/2018 05:09:46 AM 381 Views
Oh please... - 19/10/2018 05:05:10 PM 380 Views
It's 2018, friend - 18/10/2018 02:43:04 PM 418 Views
If only... - 19/10/2018 05:07:48 PM 392 Views
yeah... okay. - 19/10/2018 06:08:34 PM 556 Views
HAHAHAHA! Intersectionality is such a load of bullshit! *NM* - 19/10/2018 07:34:12 PM 195 Views
No. *NM* - 22/10/2018 07:36:38 PM 171 Views
Let's not and say we didn't. *NM* - 22/10/2018 03:22:37 PM 180 Views
Mean girls falsely accuse teenager of sexual assault because they "Just don't like him" - 17/10/2018 08:34:23 PM 506 Views
Yeah I read about this today. - 18/10/2018 12:35:41 AM 339 Views
The sadder thing is even if we does win a fortune in the suit - 20/10/2018 02:57:13 AM 440 Views
if a group of girls did this to my son... - 20/10/2018 03:33:43 AM 369 Views
Interesting... - 20/10/2018 04:35:07 PM 384 Views
If she had told her father when it happened - which she didn’t - 20/10/2018 09:54:50 PM 574 Views

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