Active Users:332 Time:03/12/2024 04:29:32 AM
Not sure why you're saying that.. @my Send a noteboard - 05/07/2010 08:16:05 PM
Excuse me for being a bitch, but are there any non-literary snobs on this site?

In fact, to be rather blunt, as I seem to be being more and more often these days, who the fuck are you to toss about cavalierly such expressions of a philistine nature? I've taught English lit as well as US/World History and over 10 years later, Milton's poem is still one of the most moving tales of temptation and loss that I have ever read.

So maybe you should just shut the hell up and try and understand where each person comes from rather than just shooting off at the mouth? After all, some of the best genre lit is heavily influenced by several of the books/poems/stories mentioned above.

True Colors, by Cindi Lauper.

Doubtless, you have a gravelly voice that would make the dogs howl in dismay.

I rarely drink, and I have never smoked. I live a pretty decent life actually. But YOU. You have hidden for YEARS behind your passive aggressive posts.

I'll say this, at least this wasn't pussified passive aggression. It's nice to actually see the real you come out.
formerly known as Amyrlin

Btw I miss you too ~ K.B. 1971-2006
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One simple question: - 01/07/2010 11:00:44 PM 1503 Views
Lolita *NM* - 01/07/2010 11:13:10 PM 561 Views
Paradise Lost *NM* - 01/07/2010 11:23:22 PM 586 Views
I have the most beautiful copy of Paradise Lost. - 03/07/2010 12:11:40 AM 993 Views
I only have the cheap paperback from my grad school years - 03/07/2010 12:19:07 AM 948 Views
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. - 01/07/2010 11:31:52 PM 998 Views
What is it about? - 03/07/2010 12:14:27 AM 1038 Views
Zen and maintaining motorcycles. *NM* - 03/07/2010 03:44:44 AM 472 Views
*NM* - 03/07/2010 09:39:43 AM 475 Views
The Aeneid, the Iliad, the Odyssey, and Macbeth come to mind. *NM* - 02/07/2010 02:29:13 AM 555 Views
I really didn't like Macbeth. - 03/07/2010 12:12:15 AM 1007 Views
It's so wonderfully quotable. - 03/07/2010 12:32:39 AM 918 Views
I'm amazed by these responses. - 02/07/2010 07:10:31 PM 1140 Views
I spent most of my time trying to decide... - 02/07/2010 07:22:26 PM 1089 Views
Same *NM* - 05/07/2010 10:36:59 AM 500 Views
I was a bit too. - 02/07/2010 08:03:29 PM 1048 Views
Well, I know you are, dear. - 05/07/2010 07:45:29 AM 1098 Views
I'm usually in your camp. - 02/07/2010 11:13:35 PM 1002 Views
Fair enough. *NM* - 05/07/2010 07:45:51 AM 490 Views
Then you need to read more. *shrug* - 02/07/2010 11:23:24 PM 1063 Views
RE: insecure - 05/07/2010 07:49:42 AM 1152 Views
You are not excused. - 02/07/2010 11:40:16 PM 1176 Views
Wow. That read enough like Tom that I had to check to make sure it was you. *NM* - 02/07/2010 11:57:26 PM 507 Views
Yeah, it did kinda read like that - 03/07/2010 12:00:17 AM 1091 Views
I take that as a compliment and concur completely with Larry's statement. - 03/07/2010 06:48:05 PM 1001 Views
Heh. I suspected you would. Nice quote. *NM* - 03/07/2010 09:50:55 PM 525 Views
Asking me who I am? Are you kidding? *NM* - 05/07/2010 07:50:53 AM 497 Views
Were you above? - 05/07/2010 08:21:15 AM 1026 Views
You make me want to sing - 05/07/2010 02:32:37 PM 1279 Views
And you make me want to cover my ears - 05/07/2010 07:57:12 PM 1004 Views
Not sure why you're saying that.. - 05/07/2010 08:16:05 PM 1193 Views
I just don't ever want to hear you sing - 05/07/2010 08:36:51 PM 952 Views
I'm a literary snob? Really? Cool! - 03/07/2010 12:23:55 AM 970 Views
Fair enough. *NM* - 05/07/2010 07:51:21 AM 445 Views
What is yours? - 05/07/2010 05:19:23 AM 1243 Views
Wraeththu by Storm Constantine is mine. - 05/07/2010 07:51:59 AM 1100 Views
I will read that one day. When I can find it. *NM* - 05/07/2010 11:09:32 PM 468 Views
You should. It's excellent. *NM* - 07/07/2010 06:14:40 AM 434 Views
Re: I'm not excusing you. You're incredibly mean right now. - 09/07/2010 08:33:02 AM 1007 Views
There are many but - 02/07/2010 08:33:44 PM 1072 Views
Re: There are many but - 03/07/2010 12:12:33 AM 868 Views
Easy. The Mahabharatha... - 02/07/2010 11:55:27 PM 987 Views
Don't tell Roh. - 03/07/2010 12:13:57 AM 910 Views
Which one? - 03/07/2010 12:59:43 AM 990 Views
Re: Which one? - 05/07/2010 05:28:08 PM 1072 Views
There's a "proper one"? - 06/07/2010 06:03:55 PM 923 Views
It is big. - 08/07/2010 12:14:24 AM 1005 Views
Re: I sent her Kamala Subramaniam's translation. - 09/07/2010 08:20:43 AM 1026 Views
Ahhh... One of my favorites... - 09/07/2010 05:24:55 PM 1340 Views
It's spelled "Mahabharata". - 03/07/2010 06:51:09 PM 931 Views
That's not how it is pronounced though... - 03/07/2010 08:54:27 PM 990 Views
Traditional pronunciation vs. modern pronunciation - 03/07/2010 09:47:52 PM 969 Views
I learned Sanskrit for years... - 04/07/2010 01:28:34 AM 904 Views
However... - 04/07/2010 02:31:00 AM 938 Views
Re: Ew. *NM* - 09/07/2010 08:57:03 AM 477 Views
Re: I should have read the thread before bothering to give my skimpy response! - 09/07/2010 08:26:35 AM 1220 Views
Re: Actually, I think those two letter would get an "hh". *NM* - 09/07/2010 08:25:57 AM 488 Views
Re: Yes, but at no point is that war a good thing. - 09/07/2010 08:24:57 AM 1191 Views
American Gods. *NM* - 03/07/2010 04:49:18 AM 492 Views
I really wanted to enjoy that a lot. It was good, but not amazing, imo. - 05/07/2010 05:28:53 PM 973 Views
Totally agree. Great concept that fell short. *NM* - 06/07/2010 02:46:55 AM 452 Views
Shogun - 03/07/2010 03:08:04 PM 996 Views
I've been tempted a few times. - 05/07/2010 05:29:18 PM 1095 Views
huh. I always felt that... - 05/07/2010 10:00:29 PM 917 Views
I really liked Tai Pan as well. - 06/07/2010 12:37:58 PM 999 Views
I'd have to say Noble House is the most impressive of the three. - 06/07/2010 01:30:11 PM 995 Views
A few that come to mind: Doctor Zhivago, Master & Margarita and Brothers Karamazov - 03/07/2010 06:53:25 PM 984 Views
I've only read Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky. - 05/07/2010 05:30:45 PM 913 Views
It's one of the weaker ones of his "famous" novels. - 06/07/2010 08:08:27 PM 955 Views
I was somewhat disappointed by the Picture of Dorian Gray - 07/07/2010 05:33:31 AM 910 Views
To Kill a Mockingbird - 05/07/2010 02:30:44 PM 1135 Views
It is excellent. - 05/07/2010 05:31:21 PM 921 Views
Catch-22 *NM* - 06/07/2010 02:27:57 AM 680 Views
+1 *NM* - 06/07/2010 06:07:59 PM 439 Views
A few years ago I would have thought you crazy for this. - 08/07/2010 12:15:02 AM 882 Views
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius - 06/07/2010 06:09:12 PM 961 Views
Hm. - 08/07/2010 12:15:27 AM 1035 Views

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