Active Users:696 Time:27/07/2024 12:27:09 AM
No, I read that and didn't disagree that there couldn't be works that had both (read other comments) Larry Send a noteboard - 21/02/2012 09:23:31 PM
Like I said, why should I trust you? Because you are so darn cute when you defend the "fluff" as being the superior to other types of fiction?

Stupid comment. I said storytelling is the most important aspect of writing and that the truly great novels are the ones that do both - great storytelling and deep meaning/style. I just said that a lot of the "great" novels that elites cite lack good storytelling and therefore should not be given such acclaim.

Silly head.....

Your rhetoric is defeating you. I guess I get to play the role of Katie Couric to your Sarah Palin: What literary critics/"elites" do you specifically disagree with here? You're not answering that question. You're tossing about generalizations that do not show any depth of thought here.

I'm also uncertain about the amount of engagement you did with the texts you did mention, as it wouldn't surprise me if they were largely comprised of books that were assigned reading during the 16-22 age period. Now almost two months into a year-long reading (very few re-reads) and reviewing project where I cover the available William Faulkner stories, what I've learned is that at 37 those stories that I had been assigned to read at 18-19 mean a lot more now and those that I'm discovering for the first time move and entertain at the same time. I've learned how to evaluate prose, to judge how themes are executed, how characters are drawn and depicted, and you know what? I've discovered a greater depth of entertainment there.

Problem is, when I read something like Sanderson's works, I can enjoy it on the plot twist level, think his characterizations and thematic execution are shallow, and not dwell too much upon what I read. I recognize that is precisely the level of engagement works such as his are written, I don't disparage the works (I tend to give them mixed/positive marks), and it happens to be that his prose and characterizations was something that I discussed directly with him over at Westeros over a year before he was tabbed to finish WoT (sadly that thread was lost when several threads were deleted for space purposes about three years ago).

All of this is just a long way of saying that you are making too many generalizations about things and aren't delving further into it.
Illusions fall like the husk of a fruit, one after another, and the fruit is experience. - Narrator, Sylvie

Je suis méchant.
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Brandon Sanderson plans 36 books in his 'Cosmere' setting - 19/02/2012 11:45:24 AM 4628 Views
Was Sanderson created by the Writng Gods to counter balance GRRM? - 19/02/2012 05:13:07 PM 1423 Views
A modern Moorcock, eh ? *NM* - 19/02/2012 05:39:00 PM 627 Views
I just wish he'd be done with the RJ shit and go back to writing his own books. - 19/02/2012 05:40:59 PM 1359 Views
Agreed on both points..... - 19/02/2012 08:00:41 PM 1320 Views
Well, but he is a "fluff" writer from a literary standpoint - 20/02/2012 02:16:11 AM 1379 Views
Not a fluff writer in my mind..... - 20/02/2012 03:12:46 AM 1320 Views
You don't seem to want to hear what I'm saying - 20/02/2012 03:51:13 AM 1281 Views
And I am saying that storytelling is more important..... - 20/02/2012 04:52:39 AM 1411 Views
Storytelling is crucial... - 20/02/2012 05:59:57 AM 1410 Views
A few comments/replies about your post..... - 20/02/2012 02:57:16 PM 1338 Views
You are correct in one respect: all of this is opinion. - 20/02/2012 07:01:11 PM 1321 Views
You sound like one of those nasty "literary elites"! - 20/02/2012 08:07:13 PM 1275 Views
Literature is subjective - 21/02/2012 12:26:35 AM 1354 Views
Very well said..... *NM* - 21/02/2012 01:12:40 AM 592 Views
I agree with your point about reading Shakespeare from textbooks. - 21/02/2012 03:18:37 AM 1390 Views
Never heard of Thomas Mann and the real Mona Lisa..... - 21/02/2012 03:34:12 AM 1230 Views
Conversely, why should I trust the likes of you? - 21/02/2012 06:19:18 AM 1479 Views
Oh, come now... - 21/02/2012 10:35:18 AM 1401 Views
When it comes to evaluating schema, I'm not going to trust someone who only had English 101 - 21/02/2012 11:26:03 AM 1214 Views
Mostly agreed - 21/02/2012 09:00:51 PM 1276 Views
Mostly true - 21/02/2012 09:27:09 PM 1317 Views
Re: Mostly true - 22/02/2012 12:58:55 AM 1151 Views
Larry = snob - 21/02/2012 05:34:22 PM 1271 Views
Amusing - 21/02/2012 07:49:20 PM 1261 Views
Wow, you lack basic reading comprehension skills..... - 21/02/2012 08:29:24 PM 1246 Views
No, I read that and didn't disagree that there couldn't be works that had both (read other comments) - 21/02/2012 09:23:31 PM 1352 Views
See I think the word "entertaining" is misleading - 21/02/2012 09:31:59 PM 1267 Views
Uh...Faust is a play. Doctor Faustus is a novel. The former is Goethe, the latter is Mann. *NM* - 22/02/2012 12:00:22 AM 635 Views
D'uh.....notice the smiley face. Good grief! *NM* - 22/02/2012 12:50:23 AM 627 Views
Just checking... *NM* - 22/02/2012 01:07:40 AM 573 Views
Wait, let's look at the gross disconnect between two statements. - 21/02/2012 01:59:34 PM 1372 Views
I have not blindly rejected the literary elites..... - 21/02/2012 05:27:35 PM 1331 Views
So true about the Mona Lisa. - 21/02/2012 07:57:41 PM 1391 Views
Yes, I was at the Louvre and you are right..... - 21/02/2012 08:32:40 PM 1266 Views
This is where your own rethoric defeats you... - 23/02/2012 06:38:54 AM 1250 Views
Slow down - it may not be the current elites that are hyping it..... - 23/02/2012 05:12:47 PM 1104 Views
There's "subjective", and there's "lack of education" - 21/02/2012 08:58:11 PM 1275 Views
Re: There's "subjective", and there's "lack of education" - 21/02/2012 09:23:38 PM 1429 Views
Thank you. That was excellent. *NM* - 20/02/2012 07:01:31 PM 669 Views
Seems like an awful lot. - 19/02/2012 08:11:22 PM 1472 Views
Sanderson is a machine. Also, the books (so far) have been wildly different - 20/02/2012 12:50:41 AM 1394 Views
I thought he was just recycling the name at first. *NM* - 20/02/2012 02:09:57 AM 653 Views
It's likely to stay that way... - 20/02/2012 06:22:50 AM 1388 Views
I think he can actually do both - 20/02/2012 03:31:00 PM 1433 Views
Re: I think he can actually do both - 20/02/2012 06:34:30 PM 1472 Views
I love it. - 19/02/2012 10:00:28 PM 1218 Views
Confirmation on the Mistborn trilogies. I am so happy. *NM* - 20/02/2012 05:38:23 AM 577 Views
I am thrilled to see that there will be more stories about Wax and Wayne..... - 20/02/2012 03:46:37 PM 1149 Views
The one issue I had with that book... - 21/02/2012 06:21:29 PM 1270 Views
Waxillium! *NM* - 21/02/2012 10:47:03 PM 552 Views
WAXILLIUM! *NM* - 04/03/2012 07:39:37 AM 794 Views
Why is that an issue? I think those names are great. - 23/02/2012 05:31:51 AM 1196 Views
Do you not like puns? *NM* - 06/03/2012 01:38:31 PM 659 Views
BS- The Fantasy Stephen King? - 21/12/2012 08:12:21 PM 1031 Views

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