Active Users:162 Time:17/06/2024 07:34:57 PM
Re: Correction Kylia Skydancer Send a noteboard - 07/09/2009 10:11:45 AM

And what happens next? What happens if those systems turn out to be a blood clot or cancer? What does she do then eh?

There are a variety of options, as Brian said. The blood clot would likely have been treated right there if it was a danger to her.

None of which changes the fact that what you said about your friend being denied treatment in the emergency room is completely false.

Indeed. Thank you for correcting my specific example where I was in the wrong without contradicting my point. I appreciate it.
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For Europeans who don't understand why Americans are against ObamaCare - 03/09/2009 04:24:35 AM 1101 Views
I'd be happy to tax top "earners" more and suffer Europes economic "collapse. " - 03/09/2009 04:30:31 AM 584 Views
The US will never work with socialism. - 03/09/2009 04:40:21 AM 665 Views
Re: The US will never work with socialism. - 03/09/2009 04:58:47 AM 658 Views
I don't think the mistrust of the government is really all that overblown - 03/09/2009 05:04:34 AM 576 Views
It's advanced beyond what it was during the Revolution, I think. - 03/09/2009 05:18:22 AM 619 Views
I would say it's grown with the government - 03/09/2009 05:23:52 AM 603 Views
Re: I don't think the mistrust of the government is really all that overblown - 04/09/2009 03:30:23 AM 544 Views
If I lived in France I wouldn't trust the Government either. - 04/09/2009 03:44:55 AM 599 Views
*laughs* the point is taken. *NM* - 04/09/2009 04:24:07 AM 411 Views
Re: The US will never work with socialism. - 04/09/2009 03:28:24 AM 701 Views
How much more can we really tax the wealthy?? - 03/09/2009 04:41:14 AM 505 Views
Sadly, I think going back to the Clinton rates would help - 03/09/2009 04:42:54 AM 494 Views
I'm ok with that....not super excited....but ok with it - 03/09/2009 04:57:32 AM 501 Views
A lot; before Reagans "reforms" we already taxed them less than any other industrialized state did. - 03/09/2009 05:06:00 AM 623 Views
I'm in the lower-middle class tax bracket - 03/09/2009 05:13:39 AM 547 Views
It's both, IMHO. - 03/09/2009 05:29:41 AM 467 Views
I hear a lot of socialism coming from you..... - 03/09/2009 05:19:08 AM 488 Views
Re: I hear a lot of socialism coming from you..... - 03/09/2009 05:40:32 AM 573 Views
Nice non-answer answer..... - 03/09/2009 05:52:04 AM 585 Views
You want detailed answers that require detailed data I don't have. - 03/09/2009 06:06:55 AM 640 Views
Here are some facts and analyses..... - 03/09/2009 02:40:22 PM 662 Views
The Heritage Foundation, huh? - 03/09/2009 03:01:17 PM 692 Views
The non-working wealthy? Please quantify..... - 03/09/2009 03:31:58 PM 675 Views
Paris Hilton? - 04/09/2009 03:43:19 AM 567 Views
You're so full of shit on this issue I don't know where to begin. - 04/09/2009 03:15:55 AM 651 Views
Re: You're so full of shit on this issue I don't know where to begin. - 04/09/2009 03:59:21 AM 738 Views
Less than 200 people were said to be US persons with Swiss accounts - 04/09/2009 04:16:24 AM 540 Views
And yet account for many millions of dollars; what does that say...? - 04/09/2009 04:21:57 AM 577 Views
It's statistically insignificant and your hyperbole is reminiscent of screaming guests on CNN. - 04/09/2009 02:07:31 PM 480 Views
Well, look at this way: - 04/09/2009 02:24:03 PM 614 Views
That's not a solution. - 05/09/2009 02:39:12 AM 629 Views
The Soviets weren't socialist, or even communist, so it's a false comparison. - 05/09/2009 03:09:06 AM 570 Views
Okay, now you've just gone into Kool-aid drinking territory. - 05/09/2009 04:32:07 AM 678 Views
Communist THEORY is predicated on democratic participation at every level,totally absent in the USSR - 05/09/2009 04:55:00 AM 794 Views
FINALLY!!! - 07/09/2009 10:22:53 AM 592 Views
Ever heard of the 20-80 rule? - 04/09/2009 04:28:54 AM 483 Views
Yes, and 90% of people are idiots. - 05/09/2009 02:41:35 AM 780 Views
Re: Yes, and 90% of people are idiots. - 07/09/2009 10:09:30 AM 598 Views
Top earners? Please define.....what income and how much more? *NM* - 03/09/2009 04:52:25 AM 410 Views
That would be open to definition, and should change with inflation. - 03/09/2009 05:13:02 AM 733 Views
What is your justification for taking over 50% of anyone's income? - 03/09/2009 05:28:22 AM 657 Views
That's a good example of why I say the rate has to be set to cost of living. - 03/09/2009 05:50:16 AM 700 Views
Still no comment on the fact that 40% of Americans don't pay any income taxes? - 03/09/2009 02:32:12 PM 625 Views
To what 40% do you refer? - 03/09/2009 02:42:55 PM 485 Views
Dude, you are not making this easy..... - 03/09/2009 03:38:01 PM 521 Views
No one "gets money from the IRS. " - 04/09/2009 02:55:02 AM 539 Views
Actually with EIC you can get money back that you never paid in. - 04/09/2009 02:56:43 AM 514 Views
It MIGHT be possible with the EIC, but in practice few people get more than they paid. - 04/09/2009 03:43:36 AM 556 Views
I don't know, I've known plenty of people that have gotten more back than they paid in - 04/09/2009 03:46:29 AM 648 Views
A neat trick then. - 04/09/2009 04:09:58 AM 649 Views
To be fair - 04/09/2009 04:50:20 AM 585 Views
Ah, gotcha. - 04/09/2009 04:53:58 AM 594 Views
Yet another example of your ignorance on tax policy. - 04/09/2009 03:19:39 AM 471 Views
The word I notice is "welfare" - 04/09/2009 03:57:01 AM 589 Views
I wouldn't say that's what it means.... - 04/09/2009 04:02:40 AM 587 Views
It's what welfare means to me... - 04/09/2009 04:32:17 AM 592 Views
I was just talking about EIC as a form of welfare, not welfare welfare. *NM* - 04/09/2009 04:45:13 AM 370 Views
yes, I get that now. *NM* - 04/09/2009 05:02:53 AM 352 Views
*NM* - 04/09/2009 05:14:01 AM 350 Views
Not necessarily - 04/09/2009 04:11:41 AM 519 Views
*shrugs* I have a soft heart. *NM* - 04/09/2009 04:30:52 AM 362 Views
It's a credit for people who file a return on income that's been taxed. - 04/09/2009 04:19:57 AM 518 Views
It is only for the WORKING poor, yes. - 04/09/2009 02:12:55 PM 507 Views
Mean it may be, but hardly illegal. - 04/09/2009 02:31:16 PM 542 Views
How does the business benefit? - 04/09/2009 04:54:27 PM 528 Views
I didn't realize you meant literal withholding. - 05/09/2009 03:03:32 AM 556 Views
That's a no-no, Joel - 03/09/2009 07:32:03 AM 527 Views
Europe impresses me for one simple reason: - 03/09/2009 09:21:28 AM 609 Views
No real comments, just 100% agree with the $12 trillion is terrifying to me. *NM* - 03/09/2009 04:33:39 AM 257 Views
If that scares you, check this out! - 03/09/2009 04:48:56 AM 626 Views
Excellent post - the US government is not capable of running HC..... - 03/09/2009 04:40:19 AM 464 Views
There is one thing the government did right - 03/09/2009 04:41:36 AM 580 Views
The bailout, some of it, was necessary..... - 03/09/2009 04:51:03 AM 577 Views
I still think it was too one sided. - 03/09/2009 05:21:45 AM 607 Views
It depends on your level of cynicism - 03/09/2009 05:38:53 AM 632 Views
when have they ever cut the fat? - 03/09/2009 08:35:36 PM 554 Views
Contrary to popular belief, they are quite good at it - 03/09/2009 09:05:15 PM 588 Views
Well there is only one catch *NM* - 03/09/2009 10:56:00 PM 352 Views
This doesn't make sense to me. - 03/09/2009 08:33:18 AM 601 Views
The key phrase is "should be. " - 03/09/2009 09:38:15 AM 741 Views
Re: The key phrase is "should be. " - 03/09/2009 09:47:39 AM 583 Views
That sounds like a good stop gap to me. - 03/09/2009 09:50:57 AM 640 Views
In fairness, most Europeans don't seem to realize what ObamaCare is. - 03/09/2009 02:34:01 PM 617 Views
What makes you think we do? - 03/09/2009 09:11:06 PM 624 Views
Oh, you don't either. I thought that went without saying. *NM* - 03/09/2009 09:25:54 PM 366 Views
As far as most people I know are concerned, opposition to ObamaCare isn't the issue. - 03/09/2009 11:04:36 PM 696 Views
It's hard not to be horrified with a government as wasteful as ours - 03/09/2009 11:24:59 PM 481 Views
I can understand horror of governments. - 03/09/2009 11:30:23 PM 473 Views
a bit, yes. *NM* - 04/09/2009 04:08:37 AM 377 Views
For Americans who don't understand why Canadians like their public healthcare. - 04/09/2009 04:23:11 AM 603 Views
Correction - 04/09/2009 04:44:32 AM 588 Views
Re: Correction - 04/09/2009 05:05:11 AM 661 Views
In all honesty.... - 04/09/2009 05:18:23 AM 534 Views
Re: In all honesty.... - 04/09/2009 07:19:28 AM 625 Views
Re: Correction - 04/09/2009 05:24:49 PM 556 Views
Re: Correction - 07/09/2009 10:11:45 AM 739 Views
That's a nice theory. - 04/09/2009 02:49:34 PM 607 Views
It's a fact - 04/09/2009 05:21:59 PM 575 Views
Re: It's a fact - 05/09/2009 03:18:39 AM 556 Views

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