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The Bible says what it says. The problem... people like to tell us just what else it's saying. Jacob Send a noteboard - 13/05/2011 05:31:29 PM
Your final paragraph is simplistic the point of naivete. Sexuality can be sinful. Pride can be sinful. Anger can be sinful. All can also be blessed gifts of God. Simplifying the universe so you can make black and white distinctions makes life easier, but that doesn't make them correct.

I find it odd that you sweep away probably the most central and difficult argument to overcome, Biblically, to the idea that practicing homosexuals can and should be ordained. When, in fact, it's that argument that most specifically HAS to be addressed when making that decision.

Yes, sin is sin. We are all equally sinful beings. Yes, there are some sins that carry greater social/civic stigma/repercussions that should prevent people from being ordained ministers. Homosexual sex is not one of those acts. Legally and socially this is not, or should not be, a factor for anything at all.

The issue then is one of sin, salvation, and grace. The Bible does proclaim homosexual sex to be a sin. I've read much on both sides of this argument. I've read the Bible, over and over, and I've read many different works focused on the translation of the original texts. Without any further revelations it seems pretty obvious to me that the Christian Bible considers homosexual sex a sin. It considers a lot of things a sin. Sin is why we can't be in a relationship with God.

Then comes in Salvation and grace. In the death of Christ, a sinner can be redeemed, have their sins forgiven, to be given grace. According to the Bible, that forgiveness is given with belief in Christ, and his sacrifice, and in asking for forgiveness for your sins, turning your life to a pursuit of Christ and God.

So we have forgiveness of our sins, and the grace of God to be considered holy through the sacrifice of Jesus.

Okay, so it is here where we have our issue. Sex is considered a sin in the Bible in almost all contexts except in Marriage, which is defined in both testaments, one being by Jesus. Homosexual sex is considered a sin.

The question is, can a person who is a 'practicing' (ugly term for a person just living their life) homosexual, and by thus admitting to making a sinful act a regular, expected, and normal part of their life, be a ordained minister? How is this different from a person who is prideful, lustful, who lies, etc.?

I don't think you can be so cavalier with your response here. The very essence of forgiveness and grace is the honest desire to have your sins forgiven, to at least strive to turn away from your sins, to live differently. That is the same for all sins. Now, don't get me wrong, I think that there are a great many people who embrace certain sins in their lives, and don't see them as such. For that very reason, there are a lot of people who probably shouldn't be ordained, or otherwise, official ministers.

From there, there are the somewhat related questions. Does the Bible mentioning only marriages between a Man and a Woman, really mean that a same sex union can not be blessed by God? It wasn't a cultural reality at the time of the Bible, so the argument is that it makes sense that nothing else is mentioned. Or, conversely, just because the Bible mentions sex in the context of marriage, does that mean that a married person can be a priest even when Paul seems to suggest that it is not an ideal spiritual arrangement? There is, and always has been, a lot of questions around married clergy. One thing that doesn't seem to have any questions about it is that the Bible does not address same sex marriage in any way. It certainly doesn't offer a context in which homosexual sex would be considered not sinful, either as an act itself or as an act outside of marriage.

These are really tough issues. I believe that same sex couples should be given every legal and social right that man and woman couples get. Same sex couple should be able to be married under the laws of nations and states. Still, according to the Bible, I don't believe that a practicing gay person should be an ordained and official minister.

A side question for you Danny, if you would permit me? Do you still believe, or lean toward, as you previously claimed, that a person does not necessarily need to believe in Jesus to find salvation? You talked about this at some length a few years ago, and I'm curious if you still hold to this. If so, do you believe, that people get salvation and forgiveness, whether they believe in Jesus or not, because of Jesus' sacrifice and death? Or, do you believe that Christ is immaterial to salvation and a person's life and good heart is what really matters? You never really explained what you thought about the nature of salvation if belief in Christ is not necessary, as the Bible, most prominently by Jesus himself, claims to be true.

I ask these things mostly to get a sense of where you stand on both the authority of the Bible and salvation through forgiveness as it is rather central to understanding your position on the original topic and the Bible's place in that discussion.
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Presbyterian Church (USA) passes Amendment 10-A. - 11/05/2011 05:39:29 PM 1289 Views
*NM* - 11/05/2011 06:10:26 PM 267 Views
I am happy to see this. *NM* - 11/05/2011 07:22:59 PM 299 Views
Homosexuals must die! - 11/05/2011 08:25:25 PM 955 Views
I agree! This sort of behavior can NOT be excused!!! - 11/05/2011 10:38:16 PM 607 Views
Yay!!. - 11/05/2011 10:38:51 PM 785 Views
Glad to hear it. *NM* - 11/05/2011 10:46:39 PM 368 Views
Well done. *NM* - 11/05/2011 11:07:22 PM 308 Views
What's the language? Did they at least TRY to give a doctrinal justification? - 12/05/2011 02:10:46 AM 795 Views
Thank you for that rousing argument against married priests. - 12/05/2011 03:36:51 AM 782 Views
Why ARE you letting women into the priesthood? - 12/05/2011 04:16:50 AM 726 Views
Because Episcopalians don't listen to the Bible much. - 12/05/2011 05:47:03 AM 677 Views
That's just fine as far as I'm concerned - 12/05/2011 02:23:44 PM 677 Views
Yes, I suppose a church could go that route. - 14/05/2011 07:38:02 AM 651 Views
I'm not attempting to impose a dichotomy on the Bible. - 14/05/2011 03:25:30 PM 706 Views
I don't even know what following the Bible in its entirety means. - 14/05/2011 09:09:10 PM 877 Views
As an exercise, I tried to think of how I would justify allowing homosexuals as clergy. - 14/05/2011 04:19:43 PM 682 Views
Wow. - 20/05/2011 10:15:21 AM 703 Views
Thanks (I'm actually OK with women priests though). - 12/05/2011 07:09:11 AM 746 Views
It's more a question of interpretational standards. - 12/05/2011 02:29:43 PM 643 Views
Agreed. - 14/05/2011 01:17:45 AM 720 Views
They did so, via negativa. - 12/05/2011 04:22:17 PM 820 Views
Your church has a constitution?! - 12/05/2011 03:36:41 AM 677 Views
My Church has a congress! *NM* - 12/05/2011 03:37:52 AM 349 Views
Haha no way! *NM* - 12/05/2011 03:46:32 AM 301 Views
We have a General Assembly and a Moderator. - 12/05/2011 04:18:34 PM 770 Views
I had no idea the US was based on that system. - 12/05/2011 06:22:58 PM 603 Views
It is pretty common practice - 12/05/2011 06:54:02 PM 642 Views
Oh I'm sure it is with newer churches. - 12/05/2011 10:49:11 PM 697 Views
I'm happy to hear this, personally. I also wonder how you reconcile this with the Bible. - 12/05/2011 04:11:31 AM 861 Views
Every direct reference to homosexuality in the Bible is a reference to rape. - 12/05/2011 04:12:43 PM 698 Views
Every single word that you wrote in your response is complete bullshit. - 12/05/2011 05:50:07 PM 806 Views
Knock off your eisegesis, try some exegesis - 12/05/2011 07:02:45 PM 752 Views
I'm trying to figure out just what your "gifts" are, because I don't see any. - 12/05/2011 07:30:39 PM 716 Views
Oh, is that how we're playing this, then? - 13/05/2011 06:29:31 PM 706 Views
Re: Oh, is that how we're playing this, then? - 13/05/2011 07:02:35 PM 696 Views
I'm not playing. I'm pointing out some glaring errors on your part. - 13/05/2011 07:25:08 PM 637 Views
Danny will correct me if I'm wrong, but... - 13/05/2011 09:55:14 PM 821 Views
Danny persistently refuses to say that - 13/05/2011 10:13:55 PM 746 Views
The Bible says what it says. The problem... people like to tell us just what else it's saying. - 13/05/2011 05:31:29 PM 657 Views
You're a fucking moron. *NM* - 15/05/2011 11:11:08 PM 336 Views
You make a very important but too often overlooked point. - 14/05/2011 01:54:40 AM 776 Views
??? the bible was harsher on homosexulaity than on rape - 12/05/2011 06:56:43 PM 672 Views
Read Judges. - 12/05/2011 07:17:29 PM 676 Views
Another example... - 12/05/2011 09:19:52 AM 616 Views
That's what people said about churches opposing slavery. - 12/05/2011 04:06:26 PM 665 Views
I rest my case *NM* - 12/05/2011 04:48:32 PM 293 Views
That is a false dichotomy and we both know it. - 14/05/2011 02:07:19 AM 669 Views
If you claim to follow the entire Bible, then you are completely correct. - 12/05/2011 06:04:38 PM 592 Views
On the contrary, this move will take some butts out of the seats. - 12/05/2011 07:16:22 PM 652 Views
We both know that isn't the case - 12/05/2011 07:55:41 PM 757 Views
Whatever your issue is, get over it. - 13/05/2011 06:17:26 PM 628 Views
You'd be a lot more effective... - 13/05/2011 06:45:31 PM 733 Views
You haven't adequately expressed your theology - 13/05/2011 07:28:54 PM 732 Views
Cool cool. I have a question on a semi-related note, about Protestant Gospels - 12/05/2011 05:33:49 PM 716 Views
Since I haven't gotten around to asking yet... - 13/05/2011 07:14:01 PM 621 Views
Re: Since I haven't gotten around to asking yet... - 15/05/2011 03:18:23 PM 1022 Views

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