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Re: cool people change the subject line Datakim Send a noteboard - 04/05/2010 03:17:42 PM

I know what your point was, and I already argued against it. For one, there is no need to assume that Gawyn will manage to surprise Rand while he's not holding the Power. For another, Gawyn knows nothing about Rand's issues, so he would probably not try to fight Rand without the medallion.

I suppose thats true. But if Gawyn does not _need_ the medallion to succeed then you could say that in your theory Alivia does not play a role in fullfilling the prophecy beyond maybe giving Gawyn courage to face Rand.

So basically what I am saying is that if the medallion has a significant and meaningfull role in a Gawyn VS Rand fight, it would have to be in a more official fight where Rand has time to prepare (and embrace the source). So we can focus our attention on whether or not this would happen and ignore the possibility of Gawyn ambushing Rand via surprise attack.

Lews Therin made plenty of mistakes of his own, including his attack on the Bore. It did what it was supposed to, but it was still pretty reckless.

My understanding of the situation was that at the time, the light was utterly screwed and on the verge of defeat. When your two choices are:

1.certain and complete defeat.
2.a small possibility of victory with failure leading to certain and complete defeat.

then taking option 2 is hardly reckless, but rather common sense. And say what you will, LTT did save the world with that act. As bad as the breaking was, the DO breaking free would have been much worse.

And even if we do consider this a mistake, its on a completely different league to Rand dying in a duel. If some random shmuck would have approached LTT while he was preparing for his final strike and challenged him to a duel over something LTT had not even done, would LTT have decided to risk everything by dying? I doubt it.

And with Rand it is even worse since Rand knows by prophecy that he is required for victory. He knows that his death would be the death of all. To risk that to satisfy some idiots(Gawyns) desire for a duel is something neither Rand or LTT should do.

That will come after Rand is brought back from the dead, I think. He has to die first. The book will definitely focus mostly on Perrin and Mat, and also Elayne, but I believe that Elayne and Perrin will both be involved in the Battle of Caemlyn, and of course Mat will be at Ghenjei.

I thought the next book would also jump backwards, so we get to see the timeline of TGS happening from the PoV of Mat and Perrin and as such nothing major (like Rand dying) will happen.

If Rand does die, it will likely happen in the final book rather than the next one. Or maybe right at the end of the next book when the plotlines converge. I suppose that might mean that Rand returns to life at the start of the final book though.

That lacks certain elements of tragedy that I think RJ is going for. Not everything about the final events of the series will be perfect and Eddings-like.

I don't need everything to be perfect. But I would atleast like a modicum of common sense.

Elayne does not know the truth any more than Egwene does. Neither one of them were there when Morgase disappeared.

She does not know the FULL truth (that Morgase is actually alive), but she does know that it was Rahvin who was responsible for everything, including using compulsion to manipulate Morgase.

She could tell Gawyn that and make it clear that Rand only attacked AFTER Rahvin had already "killed" their mother.

When Rand attacked, the palace was also defended by large groups of trollocs and Myrddraal that Rahvin had brought. Presumably some of the palace guard/servants/etc would have witnessed that and the corpses afterwards and could verify the truth that there were shadowspawn at the heart of Caemlyn during Rand's attack and that they opposed Rand and his Aiel.

Also don't forget that Rand did leave Caemlyn to Elayne. With the resources he has available he could easily have conquered the place for good. Nothing anyone could have done. That basically removed any potential motivation for Rand killing Morgase on top of everything else.

When all of this is taken together, its pretty solid proof that the shadow(Rahvin) killed Morgase, not Rand. Even for an idiot like Gawyn.

I believe it has gotten to the point that nothing will convince Gawyn that Rand didn't kill his mother other than seeing Morgase himself. He's held on to that hatred for too long, allowed it to fester.

Yeah, it is possible that you are correct. I mean this is the guy that is educated enough to know the prophecies and Rand's role, but is apparently still planning on killing him despite knowing that it would doom the entire world and kill everyone (including his sister).

That takes pretty major stupidity on his part. So much so that its been suggested that he might be under compulsion or something.

Perhaps. The whole thing was in Min's point of view, so it's hard to say.

Nah, Rand says to Min that he is doing the duel in an effort to try and "touch" him.

"If I’ve touched you and Darlin in one way, maybe I can touch Toram in another."

Obviously he could be lying but I doubt it. He had no real reason to hate Toram or prove himself to him. I think Rand was indeed hoping that by showing himself skilled with a sword, he could gain Torams respect as a fellow blademaster and open Toram to discussion and potential end to hostilities. Ofcourse Toram was far too crazy at this point for that to work, thanks to Fain.

Not sure what your point is about the Pattern. Rand could die any number of ways, but are those ways supported by the evidence? Mine is.

Your evidence is pretty flimsy to be honest. Not saying it could not happen, but there are lots of other ways that it could happen that are equally likely.

We don't have enough evidence to expect anything of the sort, really. Nor do we have any reason to believe that the duel between Rand and Gawyn is impossible, just because there are some possible circumstances that might prevent it.

True, but what I am saying that such a duel can be prevented by a LOT of reasons, making it unlikely. It could happen, but I just do not feel that your evidence is solid or conclusive enough to make me believe that it will. Most of your evidence says that it is going to happen, because something similar happened in other stories and because RJ parallled things occasionally so he is going to do it here too, despite how stupid it would be.

That, and my hope that Rand would be smart enough now to realise not to risk himself in a meaningless duel make me think this won't happen.

Gawyn ambushing Rand and killing him via a surprise attack while Rand is crippled by the sickness is a possibility, but as I said before in this case the medallion would not play a role.


Well I suppose we could see an attack by the shadowspawn on Caemlyn and Rand channeling to fight them and THEN being ambushed by Gawyn and trying to stop him with the power he is already holding and failing. But I doubt even Gawyn would attack Rand while the city was under siege by the shadow. Hmm. Unless he had descended to such insanity by then that he believed Rand had somehow brought the shadowspawn.

The weave touches the person directly. With lightning, the weave touches the clouds, or the air, and everything else that follows is more or less natural, and indirect.

Do we know this for a fact? TGS was the last book I read and I seem to recall that when Rand uses balefire, it first forms before him and then surges to the target.

So for example when Rand balefires Graendal the balefire first starts forming right before Rand implying that the weaves are there, and only then the balefire itself streaks forward towards the palace.

Something impossibly bright formed in the air before him.

We see that same thing when Rand nearly balefires Tam. It starts to form infront of Rand, but he comes to his senses and does not send it surging forth and so it dissipates.

Seems quite possible that the weaves never touch the target at all then, but rather are used to "summon" the balefire-energy and then send it forward. In this case the balefire would not contain weaves and would not be stopped by any ter'angreal.
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My new 'loony' theory - 03/05/2010 11:09:52 AM 2170 Views
Hehe, yeah, we can also discuss it here... - 03/05/2010 12:04:57 PM 1048 Views
Good deal. You're still being prejudiced, though. - 03/05/2010 12:20:00 PM 1198 Views
Of course, I prefer my theory.... - 03/05/2010 01:01:07 PM 906 Views
I suppose it's better than Beslan - 03/05/2010 01:19:52 PM 1088 Views
He, Beslan being Berelain's man in white was a most brilliant theory! - 03/05/2010 01:55:07 PM 1064 Views
See, this is why I am right and you are wrong! - 04/05/2010 03:56:31 AM 863 Views
In my view - 04/05/2010 10:07:02 AM 813 Views
Still prejudiced, of course... - 04/05/2010 10:24:53 AM 917 Views
Just disagreeing - 04/05/2010 11:15:44 AM 900 Views
And repeating yourself. But I have evidence. - 04/05/2010 12:24:06 PM 887 Views
Well... - 04/05/2010 01:10:17 PM 813 Views
This is getting silly - 04/05/2010 01:27:56 PM 798 Views
Mat's reasons for giving up the foxhead ter'angreal - 03/05/2010 03:53:43 PM 993 Views
Why only the gholam? - 04/05/2010 04:00:18 AM 869 Views
Re: My new 'loony' theory - 03/05/2010 04:27:12 PM 974 Views
cool people change the subject line - 04/05/2010 04:14:18 AM 1005 Views
Re: cool people change the subject line - 04/05/2010 06:43:01 AM 796 Views
Re: cool people change the subject line - 04/05/2010 07:32:24 AM 846 Views
Re: cool people change the subject line - 04/05/2010 08:31:47 AM 1011 Views
Re: cool people change the subject line - 04/05/2010 09:27:51 AM 927 Views
oops *NM* - 04/05/2010 09:28:11 AM 576 Views
Re: cool people change the subject line - 04/05/2010 03:17:42 PM 918 Views
I dont claim to be but didnt you say cool people change the subject line? - 05/05/2010 02:41:49 AM 881 Views
Yes. What of it? *NM* - 05/05/2010 03:22:34 AM 577 Views
Re: My new 'loony' theory - 04/05/2010 04:44:28 AM 966 Views
what comments by Brandon, and what flaws? - 04/05/2010 04:49:29 AM 936 Views
Re: what comments by Brandon, and what flaws? - 05/05/2010 02:34:33 AM 1056 Views
Thanks. - 05/05/2010 03:21:53 AM 961 Views
No go. *NM* - 03/11/2010 03:14:13 AM 498 Views
Who draws it out shall follow after - 04/05/2010 12:33:56 PM 979 Views
I don't think.... - 04/05/2010 01:22:21 PM 900 Views
Gawyn promised not to raise a hand against Rand - 06/05/2010 12:59:47 AM 733 Views
Indeed he did. - 06/05/2010 07:23:44 AM 1122 Views
But... - 06/05/2010 08:52:04 AM 929 Views
Just because it makes more sense to you doesn't make it more likely. I have evidence! - 06/05/2010 09:57:52 AM 762 Views
Well... - 06/05/2010 11:12:42 AM 854 Views
*sigh* - 06/05/2010 01:41:03 PM 959 Views
I'm still hoping to dissuade you from this crazy idea! - 06/05/2010 02:07:54 PM 904 Views
You won't. - 06/05/2010 02:11:42 PM 897 Views
Gawyn agreed that he would talk with Elayne about this topic - 06/05/2010 02:32:55 PM 974 Views
Reading comprehension issues. *NM* - 06/05/2010 02:43:28 PM 544 Views
Ah, come on, it's fun to discuss! - 06/05/2010 02:49:01 PM 803 Views
the problem there - 07/05/2010 05:45:23 AM 807 Views
more to the point - 07/05/2010 04:45:40 AM 838 Views
considering Rand won't hurt Elayne - 07/05/2010 05:46:23 AM 787 Views
wow - 06/05/2010 01:46:22 AM 910 Views
thanks! - 06/05/2010 07:25:25 AM 738 Views
Re: thanks! - 12/05/2010 10:50:50 PM 818 Views
Nice theory ... - 07/05/2010 06:25:29 PM 941 Views
Or Elayne could just give it to Gawyn. - 07/05/2010 07:34:44 PM 833 Views
True, but I prefer the idea that he'll steal it because ... - 07/05/2010 08:32:29 PM 819 Views
Thanks - 08/05/2010 07:56:17 AM 811 Views
Nice! But how about.... - 12/05/2010 01:58:00 PM 1012 Views
They'll kill each other - 12/05/2010 02:22:18 PM 727 Views
Also - 12/05/2010 09:06:25 PM 827 Views
Re: Also - 12/05/2010 10:49:51 PM 833 Views
Actually - 12/05/2010 11:50:26 PM 943 Views
Take two - 17/05/2010 07:33:35 PM 816 Views
Re: Take two - 17/05/2010 11:45:08 PM 839 Views
Re: Take two - 18/05/2010 12:52:10 AM 898 Views
Re: Take two - 18/05/2010 01:35:46 AM 966 Views
Re: Take two - 18/05/2010 01:45:24 AM 904 Views
Re: Take two - 18/05/2010 03:22:37 AM 1018 Views
Re: Take two - 18/05/2010 06:32:57 AM 873 Views
Re: Take two - 18/05/2010 07:11:08 PM 741 Views
Re: Take two - 18/05/2010 10:07:36 PM 800 Views
From DomA's World Con report - 18/05/2010 10:42:48 PM 787 Views
Yeah, we knew that... - 19/05/2010 08:25:04 AM 1017 Views

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