Active Users:263 Time:18/06/2024 12:59:49 PM
You just did not go Star Trek on me Dark Knight Send a noteboard - 20/09/2011 04:44:28 PM
The way the buildings fell, for instance. Or the fact that jet fuel isn't capable of burning hot enough to have caused the collapse. Stuff like that. Was 9/11 orchestrated? I really don't know. But it's at least worth discussing.

How much does a plane that big weigh? We're talking with all the people on board, luggage/freight, and fuel. I'm guessing quite a bit. Now slam that weight going, what 100mpg or so (I'm honestly not sure), into the side of a building. All of a sudden, the support structure of the building has to account for the massive amount of extra weight that it wasn't designed to support.

And then on top of that, all of the momentum of the plane that had to be absorbed by the building itself was a further compication. Remember when the Federal Building in OK was attacked. Remember how there was a huge hole in the entire side of the building and one could see into the halls/rooms through the wreckage. That was a conventionally built buidling, with support beams throughout the outer walls and within the structure itself. The WTC Towers were not built like that. Instead the lattice work outer shell of the building was the main support structure. If that was damaged.....

So you have a huge mass with some significant momentum slamming into the side of a lattice supported building. At the point of impact, that side's latticework is...well...gone. Meaning the weight of the floors above is now unevenly distributed. Now incorporate the inertia that was absorbed by the lattice. If memory serves me correctly, both planes hit a side directly (right?)...not a corner head on? That means that the lattice on the opposite side of impact took the brunt of the force. Somewhere along the opposite side outer latice, stress caused a break. Add in the extra weight of the planes, and it was just a matter of time.

You will note that I'm not addressing if anyone worked for anyone, or it was an inside job...or anything along those lines. That is not my point. My point is that with science, physics, and, can avoid any issues such as you mentioned. To Star Trek this up, there's an episode of Voyager (called Conspiracy if I remember correctly) where 7 of 9 freaks out. She starts making conjectures such as you mentioned, and ends up seeing something that isn't really there.


This all makes sense. And that's the problem for me. I've seen the official explanation and I get it. Odd coincidences but I get it. But I've also seen a very well put together video of how the planes weren't sufficient to take the towers down like that. It kind of scared the hell out of me because it also made sense. They weren't rewriting the rules of physics or anything. Everything they explained made logical sense. I wish I could find that video...
Formerly Mat Bloody Cauthon on Wotmania, blessed be its name
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We really need to have Logic as a course in high schools. - 20/09/2011 06:50:36 AM 1169 Views
Logic classes would be good in schools. - 20/09/2011 10:23:56 AM 713 Views
Ugh. - 20/09/2011 11:30:59 AM 705 Views
Re: Ugh. - 21/09/2011 12:03:31 AM 660 Views
this is a controlled demolition - 21/09/2011 12:20:09 AM 783 Views
That is an incredibly stupid argument. - 21/09/2011 01:12:38 AM 696 Views
Asking questions is never wrong. - 20/09/2011 12:22:22 PM 637 Views
Re: Asking questions is never wrong. - 20/09/2011 11:57:04 PM 772 Views
Agreed - 20/09/2011 01:09:40 PM 667 Views
There is compelling evidence that 9/11 was not what it seemed - 20/09/2011 03:06:58 PM 752 Views
No, there is not. - 20/09/2011 03:19:43 PM 826 Views
Well, the circumstances were odd at least - 20/09/2011 03:26:40 PM 710 Views
As far as conspiracies go ... - 20/09/2011 03:36:35 PM 765 Views
what would be the motive for the US doing something that stupid? - 20/09/2011 04:40:31 PM 625 Views
I'm not sure you got my gist. - 20/09/2011 04:46:28 PM 628 Views
I don't think there is any evidience that Bush wanted to attack Iraq before 9-11 - 20/09/2011 05:21:09 PM 690 Views
Um. Well, sure, that would be true. If you ignored all the evidence. - 20/09/2011 05:45:23 PM 738 Views
Well if you had argued that some Bush advisers wanted to attack Iraq I would have agreed - 20/09/2011 06:35:07 PM 731 Views
But that's what I DID argue. - 20/09/2011 06:47:17 PM 713 Views
sorry but you need to be more precise in your terms - 21/09/2011 02:37:36 PM 706 Views
I've always seen them as separate. - 21/09/2011 03:33:14 PM 553 Views
and that is why I decided to drop it - 21/09/2011 04:07:02 PM 708 Views
Heh. - 21/09/2011 04:15:34 PM 667 Views
And the explicit statement of a Bush Cabinet member. - 21/09/2011 06:59:47 AM 778 Views
I'm still annoyed. - 21/09/2011 01:58:38 PM 610 Views
Admitting error is a sign of weakness; Don Draper said so. - 21/09/2011 05:37:31 PM 642 Views
In addition: - 20/09/2011 05:57:33 PM 722 Views
sorry but that is nothing more than a simple statement of fact - 20/09/2011 06:40:51 PM 758 Views
This is very frustrating. - 20/09/2011 07:05:48 PM 713 Views
For the war on terror? - 20/09/2011 04:49:12 PM 733 Views
And what was the war on terror supposed to accomplish? - 20/09/2011 05:12:11 PM 693 Views
That contradicts the evidence. - 20/09/2011 06:15:48 PM 709 Views
Excuse me? - 20/09/2011 08:22:21 PM 732 Views
Huh? - 20/09/2011 08:57:14 PM 724 Views
the problem with any other theory is the make no sense - 20/09/2011 04:36:02 PM 677 Views
Contemplate this.... - 20/09/2011 04:27:52 PM 698 Views
You just did not go Star Trek on me - 20/09/2011 04:44:28 PM 688 Views
And how did you know... - 20/09/2011 05:17:10 PM 792 Views
Re: And how did you know... - 21/09/2011 12:16:26 AM 780 Views
humans tend to be very bad at critical thinking - 20/09/2011 04:58:43 PM 640 Views
Won't help - 20/09/2011 08:15:36 PM 700 Views
Make 'em all take debate. - 20/09/2011 08:23:37 PM 682 Views
Would madam like a cane? - 20/09/2011 09:19:53 PM 771 Views
Maybe a walker with tennis balls on the bottom. *NM* - 20/09/2011 10:33:39 PM 333 Views
Do you think it would help? - 21/09/2011 12:09:42 AM 651 Views
Re: We really need to have Logic as a course in high schools. - 21/09/2011 12:10:08 AM 667 Views
Yeah, and the 100,000 pounds of sudden extra weight slammed into the towers at 400 mph...? - 21/09/2011 01:05:18 AM 664 Views
Not actually the best example - 21/09/2011 01:56:03 AM 659 Views
what about the hole it cut into the frame of the building? - 21/09/2011 03:23:07 AM 692 Views
Wouldn't make much difference - 21/09/2011 04:08:27 AM 676 Views
OK thanks *NM* - 21/09/2011 02:55:52 PM 367 Views
Re: Yeah, and the 100,000 pounds of sudden extra weight slammed into the towers at 400 mph...? - 21/09/2011 03:02:19 AM 716 Views
But how else would they fall down? - 21/09/2011 07:42:27 PM 578 Views
You would force Euler on to the masses? - 21/09/2011 03:21:40 PM 745 Views
You could still argue. - 21/09/2011 04:06:51 PM 608 Views
I didn't mean to imply that it is no fun to argue with a like-minded person - 21/09/2011 04:15:47 PM 630 Views
Eh, nobody uses pure logic all of the time anyway. - 21/09/2011 10:43:51 PM 678 Views
Or they could just do more math. Cold, hard, beautiful math. - 21/09/2011 04:01:05 PM 627 Views
I love geometry proofs. - 21/09/2011 04:10:57 PM 749 Views
Me too <3 proofs! *NM* - 21/09/2011 07:55:38 PM 364 Views
For pure enjoyment, here's a non math version. - 21/09/2011 10:10:40 PM 636 Views
+1 *NM* - 21/09/2011 07:59:57 PM 287 Views
Now we are talking... Everyone can benefit from some basic Euclid. - 21/09/2011 08:32:17 PM 878 Views
Ha. Ha. - 21/09/2011 09:56:38 PM 688 Views
As a follower of Cthulhu, I strongly disagree. - 21/09/2011 11:13:55 PM 836 Views

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