Babylon Bee has made plenty of jokes around the perspective that biological reality supersedes social constructs, but they never got banned for it until this time.
The difference this time being that it targeted an individual, and Twitter interpreted it as harassment.
The ban was also temporary, contingent on them removing the tweet. They simply refused to take down the tweet, making it a permanent ban.
It was a big bru-haha in August 2020 when the Babylon Bee was suspended prior by Twitter for a different reason.
Likewise another incident in Oct 2021 with the Bee founder Adam Ford tweeting on his personal account how much he hates the Twitter policy on hate speech on protected categories such as Trans people. The trans person with Oct 2021 is the same specific Rachel Levine which caused the March 2022 ban.
So I am now asking for my apology. Because I am petty on this issue when this is a reoccurring problem, I give good faith, and someone… in this case you specifically … you say I am operating in Bad Faith (saying things not true.)
No this has been a frequent occurrence with the Bee.