Active Users:3031 Time:09/02/2025 05:06:54 PM
Use google search and search for articles prior to March 15, 2022. Roland00 Send a noteboard - 01/05/2022 07:25:17 PM

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Babylon Bee has made plenty of jokes around the perspective that biological reality supersedes social constructs, but they never got banned for it until this time.

The difference this time being that it targeted an individual, and Twitter interpreted it as harassment.

The ban was also temporary, contingent on them removing the tweet. They simply refused to take down the tweet, making it a permanent ban.

It was a big bru-haha in August 2020 when the Babylon Bee was suspended prior by Twitter for a different reason.

Likewise another incident in Oct 2021 with the Bee founder Adam Ford tweeting on his personal account how much he hates the Twitter policy on hate speech on protected categories such as Trans people. The trans person with Oct 2021 is the same specific Rachel Levine which caused the March 2022 ban.


So I am now asking for my apology. Because I am petty on this issue when this is a reoccurring problem, I give good faith, and someone… in this case you specifically … you say I am operating in Bad Faith (saying things not true.)

No this has been a frequent occurrence with the Bee.

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So Elon and Twitter - 15/04/2022 04:56:10 PM 919 Views
I don't get the adulation some direct towards Elon Musk - 15/04/2022 05:34:52 PM 313 Views
He's kicking NASA's a$$ - 15/04/2022 07:41:08 PM 477 Views
I don't know much about twitter - 15/04/2022 07:55:16 PM 329 Views
The perception on Twitter is that he is a conservative icon - 15/04/2022 08:19:06 PM 282 Views
I'm curious - 18/04/2022 07:43:40 PM 304 Views
I believe all such rights must apply to everyone or they are meaningless. - 18/04/2022 08:15:40 PM 432 Views
Yes, but... - 19/04/2022 01:46:30 AM 306 Views
That's an interesting aside - 19/04/2022 02:17:31 AM 285 Views
Not quite sure what the courts have to do with this - 19/04/2022 04:17:48 AM 279 Views
I guess I misunderstood you - 19/04/2022 04:52:03 AM 283 Views
Re: I guess I misunderstood you - 20/04/2022 01:31:44 AM 306 Views
Yeah everybody's human - 20/04/2022 05:12:52 AM 284 Views
What is your point? - 19/04/2022 01:49:51 PM 274 Views
Re: What is your point? - 20/04/2022 01:30:34 AM 225 Views
My thoughts, and I implore Mookie to interject. - 18/04/2022 08:42:42 PM 390 Views
I have many questions. - 18/04/2022 08:58:31 PM 278 Views
I had a dad like Elon’s - 18/04/2022 09:32:15 PM 277 Views
I'd be curious on your thoughts on the Canadian trucker convoy... - 21/04/2022 07:32:42 PM 260 Views
You mean their right to cripple an entire city and harass its inhabitants for weeks? *NM* - 21/04/2022 09:14:19 PM 216 Views
That's the one - 21/04/2022 09:50:47 PM 285 Views
Truck rights are human rights? - 22/04/2022 02:38:06 PM 284 Views
Truckers are not trucks, they are drivers of trucks... - 22/04/2022 08:25:24 PM 256 Views
Re: Truckers are not trucks, they are drivers of trucks... - 22/04/2022 08:59:14 PM 283 Views
Re: Truckers are not trucks, they are drivers of trucks... - 22/04/2022 09:51:59 PM 361 Views
You are missing things for it is not one thing but many - 16/04/2022 08:16:31 PM 408 Views
Twitter is an important chess piece - 21/04/2022 07:27:56 PM 307 Views
So that happened. *NM* - 25/04/2022 07:53:26 PM 154 Views
Yeah it did. A win for being able to freely speak (eventually that is) *NM* - 26/04/2022 12:12:09 AM 252 Views
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot/With a pink hotel, a boutique, and a swinging hot spot *NM* - 26/04/2022 06:19:17 PM 150 Views
Don't it always seem to go / That you don't know what you've got / Till it's gone *NM* - 26/04/2022 06:22:02 PM 262 Views
who's driving the big yellow taxi? *NM* - 26/04/2022 06:55:31 PM 189 Views
We are all driving the big yellow taxi, and that is kind of a problem - 26/04/2022 07:27:08 PM 247 Views
I prefer the original Joni Mitchell version. *NM* - 26/04/2022 10:14:02 PM 171 Views
There is an older version ? - 27/04/2022 02:54:55 PM 340 Views
I have to admit, it's extremely amusing... - 30/04/2022 05:40:19 PM 267 Views
Is it? - 30/04/2022 10:53:50 PM 275 Views
None of this is amusing… - 01/05/2022 06:33:18 AM 299 Views
It was not the first time - 01/05/2022 02:50:36 PM 243 Views
Bill Maher weighing in Friday night on Twitter and referencing the Babylon Bee. - 01/05/2022 05:02:32 PM 287 Views
Can I ask Bill Maher to leave my place of Business when he is being an asshole? - 01/05/2022 07:12:51 PM 328 Views
He's a comedian. His job is making some people uncomfortable. - 01/05/2022 09:55:23 PM 260 Views
And twitter like bars are allowed to determine who is on their website - 01/05/2022 10:56:04 PM 256 Views
Elon Musk also said he wants to eliminate bots on Twitter. - 01/05/2022 11:29:45 PM 251 Views
Should people be allowed to call people Groomers on twitter - 01/05/2022 11:48:48 PM 268 Views
Should people be allowed to call people *insert offensive word* on twitter? - 02/05/2022 06:47:01 PM 252 Views
I am skipping most of what you wrote - 02/05/2022 07:02:56 PM 298 Views
So you are OK with "groomer," then? - 02/05/2022 09:16:25 PM 249 Views
Wow you made lots of leaps of faith plus logic which I am not sure you are aware you did - 02/05/2022 09:33:14 PM 265 Views
Looking forward to it - 02/05/2022 10:09:22 PM 224 Views
No I want to threadjack Jeo and Mookie - 02/05/2022 10:44:42 PM 227 Views
Just a heads up it is going to be a while. - 03/05/2022 02:54:13 AM 262 Views
Do you still want a response? - 16/05/2022 06:09:41 PM 239 Views
Totally up to you - 16/05/2022 07:20:11 PM 342 Views
Ruins the *nice* for we must continue the threadjack even if it goes past 69 replies - 16/05/2022 07:53:05 PM 345 Views
You're making me shiver with anticip... - 16/05/2022 09:22:29 PM 234 Views
there is a big difference - 02/05/2022 07:12:37 PM 240 Views
Mookie I am going to ask you a question - 02/05/2022 08:25:56 PM 249 Views
Ban? - 03/05/2022 01:49:54 PM 238 Views
Wish granted - 29/07/2022 09:21:10 PM 208 Views
So this Jaimee Michell lady - 29/07/2022 11:48:48 PM 197 Views
Huh... - 30/07/2022 12:05:00 AM 215 Views
You're clearly confusing things, perhaps intentionally so - 01/05/2022 10:23:06 PM 311 Views
Tom you know as of right now Twitter is not a common carrier. - 01/05/2022 10:51:23 PM 280 Views
Thank you for proving my point for me - 03/05/2022 03:35:48 AM 328 Views
Tom years ago I asked you to do that to me - 03/05/2022 04:05:04 AM 340 Views
I'm sorry Roland, but that's just not true... - 01/05/2022 05:03:17 PM 252 Views
Use google search and search for articles prior to March 15, 2022. - 01/05/2022 07:25:17 PM 220 Views
And now, some context… - 01/05/2022 08:03:49 PM 257 Views
Yes it is funny. - 01/05/2022 06:36:09 AM 336 Views
Laughs at my Texas - 11/05/2022 11:34:35 PM 254 Views
Re: So Elon and Twitter - 19/05/2022 11:03:29 PM 317 Views
Perhaps the man is merely against all forms of unions - 20/05/2022 12:13:24 AM 223 Views

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