Active Users:159 Time:13/06/2024 11:12:27 PM
There is a very good reason no one dismissed the illegitmate gospels as illegitimate until 180 AD: Joel Send a noteboard - 20/09/2012 09:15:05 PM
1) We have very little original documents that are 1600 years old. Note I said 1600 and not 1800 or 1900. This document would have more religious authority weight if it was not 300 to 400 years removed from the time of Christ.
2) Most people do not know anything about Christian history, because of which most people don't know there were hundreds of Jesus stories. most people don't know the modern new testament was organized around 367 AD (also known as Common Era), and it wasn't till 180 AD that people actually started to state that the 4 gospels are the only gospels you should care about and the rest are "illegitimate."

I say anything that makes people learn a little more history is a good thing.


This is assuming the whole thing is not a forgery, which there are way too many throughout christian history. I feel sorry for my grandmother who is a very devout catholic and how much it means for her to see the Shroud of Turin, and how she tells the story of that pilgrimage as well as others she has done throughout her life. I have to bite my tongue and not say that the shroud of turin is most likely a fake for radiocarbon dating shows it is from the 13th or 14th century which is ironically the same time it was "discovered."

Because there is NO mention of them until then, strongly suggesting they were written then. Which, incidentally, makes things like the "Gospels" of Thomas and Judas pseudepigraphs at best, and blasphemous gnostic fantasies at worst.

I know you are not saying the gnostic "gospels" are valid, but those who do utterly baffle me. The first historical reference to gnostic texts is a Church Father CONDEMNING them as wicked lunacy, a century and a half after the Crucifixion. It is the chronological equivalent of todays New York Times stating, "people claiming Abraham Lincoln was a slave owner are idiots knowingly or otherwise serving Americas enemies." Would any sane person take that to PROVE the claim it rejects?
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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So, about this silly "Jesus' wife" story making the rounds... - 19/09/2012 10:55:55 PM 1176 Views
That's right! Jesus' position on marriage was "One man, no woman." *NM* - 19/09/2012 11:05:55 PM 519 Views
What is the context? The canonical bible says Christ has a wife: The Church. - 19/09/2012 11:25:19 PM 798 Views
Oh please...don't confuse "wife" with "bride" - 19/09/2012 11:35:09 PM 767 Views
What word do the Prophets use for Israels relationship to God? - 20/09/2012 12:38:20 AM 775 Views
BRIDE - 20/09/2012 03:39:30 PM 752 Views
Two things why it is important - 20/09/2012 04:24:37 AM 746 Views
There is a very good reason no one dismissed the illegitmate gospels as illegitimate until 180 AD: - 20/09/2012 09:15:05 PM 683 Views
The Gospel of Thomas was written before 180 AD. - 20/09/2012 09:33:44 PM 697 Views
What is the oldest extant text of or reference to it? - 20/09/2012 11:11:03 PM 771 Views
The Oxyrhynchus fragments were dated to c. 200 AD, and they are copies - 21/09/2012 12:18:33 AM 668 Views
I would buy 200 AD, of course. - 21/09/2012 12:58:32 AM 749 Views
It's not about "buying" it - it's essentially proven at that point. - 21/09/2012 03:26:50 AM 710 Views
Yes; all I meant was that I never disputed a date around 200 AD. - 22/09/2012 12:25:41 AM 727 Views
I don't think any of the gospels were written by their purported authors. - 22/09/2012 03:36:32 AM 664 Views
Not even Mark or Luke? - 22/09/2012 01:21:24 PM 689 Views
Well, but everyone knew Peter didn't speak Greek - 22/09/2012 09:46:57 PM 642 Views
What about those who postulate a mid-to-late 1st century composition? - 22/09/2012 02:21:18 AM 784 Views
Elaine Pagels ceased to be an impartial academic a long time ago. - 22/09/2012 03:41:41 AM 717 Views
Suspected as much, but wanted to see if you thought so as well - 22/09/2012 03:47:05 AM 859 Views
Let's not get started on Funk - 22/09/2012 09:48:05 PM 660 Views
So true - 22/09/2012 10:23:08 PM 768 Views
don't these people have anything better to do? - 20/09/2012 11:39:35 PM 695 Views
Clearly not. - 22/09/2012 12:27:29 AM 608 Views
then i'll escape this thread before anyone twigs - 22/09/2012 08:12:37 PM 767 Views
Too late, I have already twigged, branched and treed. - 22/09/2012 08:58:39 PM 754 Views
I know! - 21/09/2012 06:48:33 AM 872 Views
See, Tom, you made a mistake. - 22/09/2012 10:25:22 AM 734 Views

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