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No I never played Civ random thoughts Send a noteboard - 28/02/2010 06:02:38 PM
If MAD worked with two countries I amsure it will work even better if there are 20 or 30 playing.

It's probably a bad idea to do it 20 or 30 times. Haven't you played Civ? :P
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Why Iran's dictators can be deterred - 23/02/2010 01:31:52 PM 733 Views
Not sure he showed us how they can be deterred - 23/02/2010 01:56:42 PM 285 Views
Er yeah, that's totally the argument I was going for. - 23/02/2010 02:06:52 PM 328 Views
No Palin was simply cover for the "we just have to accept Iran will get the bomb argument" - 23/02/2010 02:26:45 PM 350 Views
She wasn't cover for anything, but I like how this argument keeps going that way. - 23/02/2010 02:36:47 PM 325 Views
As I have noted it isn't conseratives that keep bring her up - 23/02/2010 03:26:11 PM 276 Views
and I tried to take her out of the argument. But here we are. - 23/02/2010 03:39:29 PM 311 Views
dealing with the repercussions of attacking another Islamic country may be our best option - 23/02/2010 04:25:47 PM 406 Views
The world needs to decide how it feels about non-proliferation. - 23/02/2010 07:11:51 PM 254 Views
yes American used the bomb so now we should let everyone else take a turn *NM* - 24/02/2010 06:22:23 AM 179 Views
It would certainly demonstrate the folly of that view. - 24/02/2010 06:49:56 AM 299 Views
well hell then why not just sel them nukes and get it over with - 24/02/2010 02:33:00 PM 298 Views
I really don't think the folly need be demonstrated more than once. - 28/02/2010 02:49:30 AM 236 Views
No I never played Civ - 28/02/2010 06:02:38 PM 315 Views
It's a classic, you should. - 28/02/2010 06:19:21 PM 362 Views
Oh. - 23/02/2010 02:07:32 PM 262 Views
Sheesh! - 23/02/2010 02:11:34 PM 460 Views
- 23/02/2010 02:16:24 PM 465 Views
- 23/02/2010 02:41:40 PM 463 Views
I think this guy lives on the moon - 23/02/2010 02:51:20 PM 396 Views
Ehm. I disagree strongly with your opinion of Mr. Zakaria. - 23/02/2010 03:23:09 PM 389 Views
Views on him tend to be polar - 23/02/2010 04:06:04 PM 439 Views
I was just talking to Lupine about how I like your posts, but I'm gonna make an exception here. - 23/02/2010 09:28:44 PM 356 Views
You'll have to link that then, I always like to read things that feed my ego - 24/02/2010 12:17:37 AM 355 Views
Oh, it was on AIM. - 24/02/2010 01:13:07 PM 419 Views
Should've been on wotmania Skype chat. - 25/02/2010 12:47:42 PM 274 Views
Here's an article in response to Zakaria's article - 23/02/2010 03:19:41 PM 386 Views
I like that article, actually. - 23/02/2010 03:58:39 PM 280 Views
Re: I like that article, actually. - 23/02/2010 04:22:27 PM 291 Views
I don't believe they can be stopped - 23/02/2010 10:37:47 PM 285 Views
One thing he forgets... - 24/02/2010 12:19:12 AM 308 Views
Iran is a thorny problem - 24/02/2010 05:38:09 AM 316 Views
I still don't believe North Korea harmless. - 24/02/2010 06:59:15 AM 416 Views
I never used the term 'harmless' - 24/02/2010 10:01:14 PM 355 Views
Fair point, sorry. - 25/02/2010 12:45:47 PM 383 Views
No worries - I was just making sure you understood my position - 25/02/2010 05:19:10 PM 278 Views
Re: No worries - I was just making sure you understood my position - 28/02/2010 02:30:26 AM 394 Views
Re: No worries - I was just making sure you understood my position - 01/03/2010 03:53:58 PM 295 Views
A carrot without a stick is just a free carrot. - 02/03/2010 08:01:23 AM 410 Views
It's not a carrot/stick thing at all - 02/03/2010 04:29:00 PM 386 Views
Maybe I'm just out of the loop, but it doesn't seem that way. - 05/03/2010 01:02:57 AM 424 Views
They can hit Tokyo - 25/02/2010 06:10:44 PM 311 Views
So? - 25/02/2010 07:01:37 PM 458 Views
I think you are grossly overestimating our border security - 25/02/2010 08:03:13 PM 247 Views
Well, I KNOW you're ignorant about a lot of things and this shows it. - 25/02/2010 08:56:45 PM 293 Views
Yes you are the Great Cold War Warrior of the chairforce - 28/02/2010 06:44:31 PM 359 Views
Oh I'm sorry - so you're not so much ignorant as idiot. - 01/03/2010 03:48:32 PM 243 Views
Is that what taught you in chairforce school loser boy? - 01/03/2010 04:33:53 PM 339 Views
Nope, it was the internet actually - 02/03/2010 04:31:36 PM 270 Views
Israel does not have the military capability to destroy or significantly damage Iran's nuclear sites - 24/02/2010 12:33:00 PM 399 Views
I agree, even if for different reasons. - 24/02/2010 01:01:00 PM 250 Views
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about - and it shows to anyone who does - 24/02/2010 10:33:29 PM 350 Views
But... - 25/02/2010 12:44:15 AM 390 Views
Re: But... - 25/02/2010 05:52:07 PM 477 Views
Here's a few questions for you then. - 25/02/2010 02:55:00 AM 412 Views
You're not asking questions you're trying to support your point - 25/02/2010 06:49:28 PM 366 Views
I think this ties in well with this article - 25/02/2010 09:56:04 AM 307 Views
That's actually a really good idea - 25/02/2010 07:05:37 PM 245 Views

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