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Trailer for "The Hate U Give" (see what they did there? ) Cannoli Send a noteboard - 02/08/2018 07:31:42 AM

So there's this movie coming out, and Hollywood assumes that because I watch movies which happen to have black people in them, of course, this is of interest to me, so I've been seeing the preview often enough to wish I was white cop pulling the preview over on a traffic stop so I could shoot it with legal impunity, according to the people who make this sort of thing.

Anyway, the movie is about a family who lives in the crappy part of town and are identified as poor, even though the teenaged main character is shown possessing more pairs of sneakers than I own shoes. Her parents are apparently still together and own a store with their name on it, which is a neighborhood institution along with the barber shop & barbeque joint. And because their neighborhood high school is typical of their sort of neighborhood, she goes to a good school where she is much less likely to end up "jumped, high or pregnant". It's interesting that she chooses those three things to describe the horrible fate of its students, since one of those is strictly voluntary and the other mostly. If there is an actual neighborhood whose children rape, force drugs on and assault EVERY SINGLE ONE of their classmates, the police should not be coming in with riot gear and tear gas, but with flamethrowers and Zyklon B gas. So even in a movie intended to idealize this community as victims, they are unwittingly acknowledging that their miserable lives are something they impose on themselves. If a significant proportion of neighborhood children are violent, promiscuous or addicts to the point that peer pressure is irresistable to the rest, there is nothing ideal about it, and any responsible father is getting them as far away as possible. They are still in the nieghborhood because, as her father says "our people are here." Along with thugs, drugs, skanks and/or rapists. And there is very likely some overlap between those categories.

Because of this bullshit parenting, indoctrinating children to place ethnicity over morality or prudence, the main character clearly feels uncomfortable at her behavior in her "white" school, where she tries to fit in. Presumably she feels bad about betraying her thug homeland by not acting like a native when she is among other people. And she's friends with a kid from her neighborhood who teases her about leaving them for the white world. Why is no one else ashamed that in order to not be an assault victim or have drugs or a teen pregnancy peer-pressured down her throat, this girl has to go to a "white" school? "Our neighborhood is wonderful. It's not safe for our children, but aside from that, it's the best!" is not a thing anyone says ever.

So the big conflict in the movie comes when these two kids are out driving late one night and are stopped by the police, and the boy decides to be a smart ass, and ignoring the cops' orders to stand still, pulls out a hairbrush and mock-furtively raises it to his head. He gets shot and the rest of the trailer is about the civil unrest and our excessively-shod heroine speaking up about oppression and whatnot.

Now, of course, the obvious issue is that no one deserves to die for fooling around...but this utter fucktard deliberately did it to upset and engender a fearful reaction in armed men in a dangerous situation! The next argument BLM and company always use is that the cops would only have been afraid because it was black people...but these are black people, driving a car they have presumably NOT stolen, and thus known by the cops to be from a neighborhood where even the children are dangerous. By her own words, their high school is a place where you are GOING to get assaulted or raped! Two kids from that school district are, and should be, considered dangerous until proven otherwise! The cops are acting on the exact same knowledge and information that led the heroine's parents to send her to a private school and but because SHE'S good and special and is childhood friends with a guy who is deliberately provoking cops for shits and giggles, they are just supposed to relax and let the young male driver of a car from a neighborhood infamous for the violent & criminal behavior of its young male population, get the first shot.

Maybe I'm wrong about this movie and maybe it's going to be about the need for this idealized community to own its shit. But somehow, I doubt it.

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Trailer for "The Hate U Give" (see what they did there? ) - 02/08/2018 07:31:42 AM 849 Views
BLM doesn't even care if they are armed anymore - 02/08/2018 01:40:44 PM 332 Views
Interesting. I'd like your input. - 04/08/2018 02:12:16 PM 331 Views
Policing - 05/08/2018 06:04:14 PM 338 Views
I think your friend may have been playing with you - 06/08/2018 01:59:03 PM 372 Views
Re: I think your friend may have been playing with you - 07/08/2018 05:53:56 AM 314 Views
What a well reasoned argument - 08/08/2018 07:26:36 PM 324 Views
I didn't think I'd see you, of all people, using this particular argument. - 06/08/2018 11:48:17 PM 341 Views
You're waaay to obsessed with Egwene, Cannoli. - 07/08/2018 06:16:49 AM 298 Views
I don't wanna comment on this whole thing, or get into y'all's spat, but... - 07/08/2018 04:16:10 PM 292 Views
They were not innocents! - 07/08/2018 04:25:54 PM 331 Views
Innocent is irrelevant. Disarmed is the pertinent qualifier. - 08/08/2018 01:36:01 AM 314 Views
I'm not the one defending her actions while criticizing real people for doing less egregious things - 08/08/2018 12:59:52 AM 307 Views
Isn't this pretty much par for the course, from the left? - 08/08/2018 05:21:45 AM 284 Views
Not to mention this whole issue involves unequal generalizations. - 08/08/2018 08:01:45 AM 325 Views
This - 08/08/2018 02:47:29 PM 292 Views
Re: Interesting. I'd like your input. - 06/08/2018 11:27:43 PM 347 Views
BLM almost lost me to the policing reform cause - 07/08/2018 05:01:52 PM 298 Views
Is the argument that "really bad dudes" don't deserve civil rights protections? - 07/08/2018 05:11:53 PM 321 Views
no - 07/08/2018 05:50:59 PM 294 Views
Preaching to the choir, man. Or maybe b!tching at the choir? - 07/08/2018 05:57:11 PM 288 Views
well said *NM* - 07/08/2018 06:27:58 PM 136 Views
Re: Preaching to the choir, man. Or maybe b!tching at the choir? - 07/08/2018 08:00:13 PM 286 Views
More black criminals are shot per capita. More whites are shot in total. - 07/08/2018 08:20:12 PM 404 Views
Correct. - 07/08/2018 09:38:56 PM 274 Views
Yeah, you really misunderstand me, apparently - 07/08/2018 08:53:56 PM 273 Views
Doesn't seem that way to me - 07/08/2018 10:24:40 PM 303 Views
I agree with most of this. - 08/08/2018 02:00:18 AM 297 Views
I don't know if I have time to respond to all of that - 08/08/2018 08:54:37 PM 281 Views
I dont agree with the camera footage being released - 08/08/2018 07:36:29 PM 301 Views
The problem with the camera footage not being released - 08/08/2018 07:45:44 PM 287 Views
I once argued the same, for a different reason - 08/08/2018 08:45:26 PM 283 Views

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